
Review Detail of Dreadfull_Dusk in Anomaly's Reincarnation

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Shameless author review heree! To me this story is a five star rating rating because I made it lol☠️. However, there's many reasons other than that, I just like the concept of the world and the character, sorry if it might be a hard read and most of you might not like it because I'm currently rushing down the first volume, which is my bad, I might actually redo it over when I get farther in the story. You might not like my main character because he has a mixture of personalities, at times he's kind, and at times he's brutal, but he is a good person at heart, well that's what he thinks (Me knowing the ending 💆‍♂️) still I hope you grow to understand more about him and the world over time, trust me it takes time for you to truly understand the world so don't flake out on me now! Other than that, I hope you enjoy this read and don't give up on it to quick but I understand if you do. :)

Anomaly's Reincarnation


Curtido por 5 pessoas




Dont worry shameless Author, we dont mind


I love your book too Author 👍

Author_LQ:Dont worry shameless Author, we dont mind