
Review Detail of _VOIDLESS_ in Divinity (A Marvel Reality Warping SI)

Detalhe da revisão


Another one, a perfectly crafted piece of art will be dropped soon 2 more chapters until it is dropped. It's not why but when so enjoy the coming 2chps because that will be the last.

Divinity (A Marvel Reality Warping SI)


Curtido por 5 pessoas




I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Alright, I'll begin updating Devil Devil so as to break the jinx.


Action speaks louder than words. 🤗

vtorx_0867:I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Alright, I'll begin updating Devil Devil so as to break the jinx.

hopefully, before this week ends, I'll be done. Honestly, I am really thankful that poeple say i write something... enjoyable. But I'm more or less under a time frame, so I just wanted to get all my ideas out before time gets to me and I won't have the chance to post anything. Of course, I also talked note of the story reception to see if I should continue or not. Buy anyways, thanks.

_VOIDLESS_:Action speaks louder than words. 🤗