
Review Detail of codyleewanless in Shadow Monarch : Beyond the Journey's End

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it feels like a translation ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shadow Monarch : Beyond the Journey's End


Curtido por 1 pessoas




So my grammar is alrighr, but my writing style is over explanatory. Aight imma try to simplify it

TOFIE:The best way to describe your grammar is over explaining almost everything. You explain parts that aren't important. Here's an example: Jin-woo looked at the sun and he breathe heavily. What I would write: Jin-woo looked over his shoulder to the sky and took in a deep breath for control. The first example is explaining a scene in an instant, but you exaggarete that one topic over a few sentences. The second is a smoother experience to make readers imagine the moment but does not over focus.

is my grammar that bad fk hahaha 💀💀


You will improve man and there is already a similar story like this, you should go check it out, if you haven’t already. although I haven’t read your story yet but I will when there are more chapters. Good luck!

GrandCaster:is my grammar that bad fk hahaha 💀💀

The best way to describe your grammar is over explaining almost everything. You explain parts that aren't important. Here's an example: Jin-woo looked at the sun and he breathe heavily. What I would write: Jin-woo looked over his shoulder to the sky and took in a deep breath for control. The first example is explaining a scene in an instant, but you exaggarete that one topic over a few sentences. The second is a smoother experience to make readers imagine the moment but does not over focus.

GrandCaster:is my grammar that bad fk hahaha 💀💀

My thoughts for getting better is to practice speaking what you write. You don't need to simplify. Just write, read it through by mouth and then adjust to your liking.

GrandCaster:So my grammar is alrighr, but my writing style is over explanatory. Aight imma try to simplify it