
Review Detail of Odil in Konoha: The Template System

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The grammar needs serious work... So many 5 star reviews with nobody mentioning the simple fact that the grammar is horrendous at times is fishy.

Konoha: The Template System


Curtido por 127 pessoas




Randi ka bachhe ja maa chudwa le


I'll pin this comment, English ain't my first language so if people don't prefer a story with grammar mistakes it'll help save time


The grammar has improved tremendously since the fiction started. I still see mistakes from time to time, but honestly, the story and even the fighting scenes make it worth it.


Author who is female lead?hope it's Kushina, and please don't say that it'll destroy the orginal plot we are here to read about mc not some Dumbo chasing sasuke..oh yes you're author you can manage or Konan is also good love interest?

Tobi_444:I'll pin this comment, English ain't my first language so if people don't prefer a story with grammar mistakes it'll help save time

Well Ninja world is ruthless it would be disappointed if mc just forgive their parents plus they are not mc real parents they didn't even cared for mc And yes hope Kushina end up with mc she is my fav character as well hope just for plot author don't go with orginal plot

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I agree what you say I really hope he won't be forgiven them and will shut them up and same here I really hope the creator will make MC X kushina together and not the original for the sake of the plot

Man_of_culture_69:Well Ninja world is ruthless it would be disappointed if mc just forgive their parents plus they are not mc real parents they didn't even cared for mc And yes hope Kushina end up with mc she is my fav character as well hope just for plot author don't go with orginal plot

Why can’t you be grateful that it’s understandable. Most fics on WebNovel have bad grammar and those that have good are often pretty bad storywise.


Because I wouldn't waste my time criticising or even rating trash. This fic is good, and the grammar improved over time, which means Author is doing something about it, and that's the whole point of the review system. Prospect readers get to gauge the work and not waste their time. And Author gets to see what the points of contention are and improve on them.

_oinkchan:Why can’t you be grateful that it’s understandable. Most fics on WebNovel have bad grammar and those that have good are often pretty bad storywise.

You have a point.

Odil:Because I wouldn't waste my time criticising or even rating trash. This fic is good, and the grammar improved over time, which means Author is doing something about it, and that's the whole point of the review system. Prospect readers get to gauge the work and not waste their time. And Author gets to see what the points of contention are and improve on them.


Tobi_444:I'll pin this comment, English ain't my first language so if people don't prefer a story with grammar mistakes it'll help save time

look, the only thing you need to do is fix dialogue, which for some reason you separate into different paragraphs. You're also missing punctuation. it goes like this: "Hello, I'm going to be Hokage," said Kazuki. Not like this, which is how you're doing it: "Hello, I'm going to be Hokage" Said Kazuki. it's literally that easy to fix

Tobi_444:I'll pin this comment, English ain't my first language so if people don't prefer a story with grammar mistakes it'll help save time

Yes but the reviews have categories for a reason he's giving good reasons atleast he gave 4 srars

_oinkchan:Why can’t you be grateful that it’s understandable. Most fics on WebNovel have bad grammar and those that have good are often pretty bad storywise.

It’s not

Man_of_culture_69:Author who is female lead?hope it's Kushina, and please don't say that it'll destroy the orginal plot we are here to read about mc not some Dumbo chasing sasuke..oh yes you're author you can manage or Konan is also good love interest?

Yeah it's really hard to read the sentences twice or thrice to understand the them, because Author missed auxiliary verbs, dots and commas quite often.


Get out

Man_of_culture_69:Author who is female lead?hope it's Kushina, and please don't say that it'll destroy the orginal plot we are here to read about mc not some Dumbo chasing sasuke..oh yes you're author you can manage or Konan is also good love interest?

Because more than half the readers don't have English as their first or even second language.


for me it's good enough


The problem is that a lot of readers are not native English speakers, which in turn they read the story translated. Grammar count less then.


I'm russian, u right A lot ppls just translated.

dan12036:The problem is that a lot of readers are not native English speakers, which in turn they read the story translated. Grammar count less then.

but wouldn't be getting with kushina be really dumb , if kushina ends up with minato , then no naruto and if there is no naruto , who will take on the otsusuki , unless the author gives the mc a broken template

Man_of_culture_69:Author who is female lead?hope it's Kushina, and please don't say that it'll destroy the orginal plot we are here to read about mc not some Dumbo chasing sasuke..oh yes you're author you can manage or Konan is also good love interest?