
Review Detail of Nike13K in Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave

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Author tells the story in the form of flashbacks. He says, that something happened and recounts what happened, then an event in the present plays out, then time skip, then flashbacks, then another single thing happens, then another time skip. MFer took all the fun out of shadow slave. SS is good because of the interesting powers and the interactions the characters have, while barley surviving fighting horrors beyond human comprehension, but MC just casually can body awakened beasts and monster(which we get to read about in the form of flashbacks). MFer basically skipped the entire first arc of the forgotten shore. Like, why event WRITE starting from the nightmare and the academy if you are going to Speedrun till the castle? Just start AT the castle.

Ayanokouji in Shadow Slave


Curtido por 7 pessoas

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