
Review Detail of MadFool in The Ultimate System (Omniversal: DxD, Marvel, Tensura, Fate, HP)

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As with many other similiar fics, MC’s power is scaling like there is no tomorrow. We are two chapters in and he is already a powerhouse within his new world. While Mc hasn’t had any chance to buy anything noteworthy, his system gives him a free perk on his birthday which has shot his power through the roof. If you want a mindless OP MC, then this is for you.

The Ultimate System (Omniversal: DxD, Marvel, Tensura, Fate, HP)


Curtido por 4 pessoas




I disagree, you might have missed it, but he consumed many common, uncommon, and rare draws to grow. Rizer in DxD was already a peek high class devil and he had the potential to reach ultimate class so of course the MC has to surpass him. But if you are free not to like my story.


Yes, I can agree that he would be stronger than the original, but the porblem is how you made it happen. There was no childhood arc, no explanations or character interractions. You just dumped the rewards on MC and thought it was a job well done. And all of this happened within 2 chapters that were barely around 6-7k words. The story has no depth, no true development. You just stacked the MC with 10 years worth of perks before granting them, you never even bothered to explain to the readers how the system truly works. Like, you claimed you don’t want MC purchasing subsystems and skills early on because that makes an OP MC too easily het you do the same with the yearly free gift.

Azeriel:I disagree, you might have missed it, but he consumed many common, uncommon, and rare draws to grow. Rizer in DxD was already a peek high class devil and he had the potential to reach ultimate class so of course the MC has to surpass him. But if you are free not to like my story.

Those are all for convenience, the only one that increased his power is the parallel existence skill. I mean yes he got the Tensura system but then so what? He can't afford anything. He has the Fate system and yet he can't afford to summon any one let alone buy one the first magics, at most he could afford some magicraft. He has the One piece system yes, but in my fic devil fruits consume stamina so they aren't all that great. everything he got as a birthday gift is for convenience nothing more. when it comes to powers he got for free then its the affinities but that's all they are, affinities. with them he can now use spells related to the given affinity if he didn't have it before and if he did then the spell will cost him less.

MadFool:Yes, I can agree that he would be stronger than the original, but the porblem is how you made it happen. There was no childhood arc, no explanations or character interractions. You just dumped the rewards on MC and thought it was a job well done. And all of this happened within 2 chapters that were barely around 6-7k words. The story has no depth, no true development. You just stacked the MC with 10 years worth of perks before granting them, you never even bothered to explain to the readers how the system truly works. Like, you claimed you don’t want MC purchasing subsystems and skills early on because that makes an OP MC too easily het you do the same with the yearly free gift.