
Review Detail of IP_MAN in My Mangaka System

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20 years of living with the system... but MC doesn't have anything... in fact he comes from the rich Ichijo family... why doesn't MC try to imitate the work of his past life...

My Mangaka System


Curtido por 2 pessoas




As the author of this fanfic, I kindly ask that you reconsider your review. I'm not saying I'm closed to bad reviews, but if the review isn't really justified, then I'm afraid I'll delete it (probably not). Regarding the review, and responding to your complaints, I kindly ask you to read the fanfic again, I know I'm not a native English speaker, but at least I can say that the words written in it are understandable. I even mention it in the chapter I even mention it in chapter 1, The protagonist receives his "Golden Finger" when he is 18 years old, the time span from when he obtained the system to the current time is only 2 years. The reason I don't recreate manga from its other world is because... Who would remember something you saw 18 years ago... In a lifetime it happens... The only really good thing I can take away from this review is that you gave me a reason to write a side chapter, and another chapter that explains in more detail the MC's arrival in his new world.


Re-reading your review, yes, I forgot to mention the reason why the protagonist despite coming from a rich family, because he is poor? This is all the more reason to create a chapter that deals with the protagonist's arrival in his new world. Don't take this comment the wrong way, on this point, you're right to some extent.


yeah, I don't care if he gets a system at the age of 18.. because writing novels or drawing manga doesn't need a system.. especially even though MC can't remember past works, but at least MC has an interesting picture of the premise of the story, such as an isekai theme, or a theme. demon hunters such as demon slayers and so on