
Review Detail of Nicolas_Warren in Echoes Across Eternity

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Review of Chapter 1 - I am left with an overwhelming craving for more. While the iskai landscape is choked with derivative wish fulfillment, the tone and style for this first chapter gives it a very melancholy feeling that is simultaneously a welcome breath of fresh air to the genre and an enraptured first taste of this universe. Even woth the minimal amount of dialogue present in this first chapter, I feel the writer has a firm grasp on how to color the emotions of a scene. It would have been easy to embelish the war-torn landscape and provide too much detail. However, the author was able to strike a wonderful balance between too much and too little, painting a vivid picture l, but leaving room for individual interpretation. This even extends to the interaction between the MC and this deity character. Having the soul of the MC be in the same state he died in to contrast the otherworldly beauty and elegance was a great touch. While I wish some more time was spent establishing the world, there is plenty of time to explore all manner of history, characters, and lore as this series continues. I cannot wait to read more!

Echoes Across Eternity


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