
Review Detail of WeavedSlave in I created my own system

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In summary, this is a story of a thirteen year old boy who created something (which I think is a system) in a secret library, and with the goal of becoming stronger using the system he created. Strengths of the story are simple-straightforward language, simplicity of author's tone and slightly meaningful story development. Weaknesses includes the misuse of punctuation marks, extremely slow pacing, and the lack of proper characterization. While reading it, I don't feel thrilled nor can I find strong suspense but nonetheless, it's readable. In my opinion, there are a lot of things to correct. Really. I recommend it to all youngsters around the world.

I created my own system


Curtido por 8 pessoas




how can you get stronger with a system you created yourself I mean it should have been created by someone stronger than the system and the system is given to a weaker lifeform...


I think it could work🤷. I think if you stretch your imagination a bit and imagine using insanely rare or powerful resources in the process of creating it, or if you use advanced technology that you can't replicate, but you can manipulate it a bit, then I think this is doable🤷. Preferably if you have both I think🤔, but that's the limit of my imagination on this off the top of my head at the moment🤷

Alex_xin:how can you get stronger with a system you created yourself I mean it should have been created by someone stronger than the system and the system is given to a weaker lifeform...

🙄🙄 did he use that in the novel cos I didn't even read it, I wasn't able cos from the description I just dropped it, but pretty sure no matter the resources you have for you to have that resources you are already powerful to create something that powerful you already have enough power to do so but if you talking about technology then der is no much future for the system cos you only be technology wise that is all no op power system or whatever it just gonna act like an ai that is all

Oakley_Tallent:I think it could work🤷. I think if you stretch your imagination a bit and imagine using insanely rare or powerful resources in the process of creating it, or if you use advanced technology that you can't replicate, but you can manipulate it a bit, then I think this is doable🤷. Preferably if you have both I think🤔, but that's the limit of my imagination on this off the top of my head at the moment🤷

technically he powered the power from a beast core because he is to weak to create it on his own,he used two celestial rank beast core to empowered one hundred magical scrolls

Alex_xin:🙄🙄 did he use that in the novel cos I didn't even read it, I wasn't able cos from the description I just dropped it, but pretty sure no matter the resources you have for you to have that resources you are already powerful to create something that powerful you already have enough power to do so but if you talking about technology then der is no much future for the system cos you only be technology wise that is all no op power system or whatever it just gonna act like an ai that is all

I haven't read the novel🤷 I was just saying whatever came to the top of my head at that moment🤷, but fantasy novels literally make anything possible 🤷😅

Alex_xin:🙄🙄 did he use that in the novel cos I didn't even read it, I wasn't able cos from the description I just dropped it, but pretty sure no matter the resources you have for you to have that resources you are already powerful to create something that powerful you already have enough power to do so but if you talking about technology then der is no much future for the system cos you only be technology wise that is all no op power system or whatever it just gonna act like an ai that is all

it was borrowed not powered sorry typo

LAZYHEAD:technically he powered the power from a beast core because he is to weak to create it on his own,he used two celestial rank beast core to empowered one hundred magical scrolls

yeah 😂

Oakley_Tallent:I haven't read the novel🤷 I was just saying whatever came to the top of my head at that moment🤷, but fantasy novels literally make anything possible 🤷😅

Well, you are being logical here.

Alex_xin:how can you get stronger with a system you created yourself I mean it should have been created by someone stronger than the system and the system is given to a weaker lifeform...

harem ?


Nope not a harem

Buragawa_:harem ?

Is there romance in this novel? please no it holds back the MC

LAZYHEAD:Nope not a harem

Tf is u on harem or single fl is essential you want it to be a sausage fest or something, is u gay. As long as she isn’t useless bro I don’t have a problem just don’t introduce multiple girls and then choose the worst one which is something author’s always do idk if they all smoke around that point in their careers

JBFIRE_77:Is there romance in this novel? please no it holds back the MC

this is a rubbish novel


I haven't read it yet, but from what I understand from the synopsis, his system must have some connection with his "useless" talent.

Alex_xin:🙄🙄 did he use that in the novel cos I didn't even read it, I wasn't able cos from the description I just dropped it, but pretty sure no matter the resources you have for you to have that resources you are already powerful to create something that powerful you already have enough power to do so but if you talking about technology then der is no much future for the system cos you only be technology wise that is all no op power system or whatever it just gonna act like an ai that is all

actually, he didn't use it to get stronger per se, his main reason was he wanted a companion.

Alex_xin:how can you get stronger with a system you created yourself I mean it should have been created by someone stronger than the system and the system is given to a weaker lifeform...