
Review Detail of Daoist7KkCzm in Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

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I tried, but it’s impossible to read, at about 12-13 chapters the main character will act like a retard, constantly mentioning his stupid waifu, who screwed herself up, then killed herself and now he’s ready to do anything for the sake of resurrection, why just You couldn’t kill her, say that she’s a lousy person and that’s it?! why should I read about a moron who wants to resurrect the killer of the girl he loved, and all the author’s explanations were at the level of “well, she’s so cool, she was always there for me, now of course she killed the one I loved, but let’s forget to this, my waifu is just super” why did you have to spoil the story and act like a retard

Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)


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