
Review Detail of daniel_rahn in The Spartan who became a God

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Looks good so far, havent seen halo fics come this far, and the multiverse concept makes it more interesting, altough i wanted to ask Is there a romance in some point?

The Spartan who became a God


Curtido por 3 pessoas




i added that but i have not read any of the extra stuff only played the games so they may have with how insane Halsey is if she could make Spartans I am sure given enough time she could do it

daniel_rahn:nice, also is he going to build a multiversal empire? or maybe establish his presence in some multiverses while leaving the Halo universe as his home? i also wanted to know, were the Spartans really able to bend elements os this is something you have added

there will be but at the moment the MC is Numb to emotions due to the experiments on his body however as his path goes on this will change him


nice, also is he going to build a multiversal empire? or maybe establish his presence in some multiverses while leaving the Halo universe as his home? i also wanted to know, were the Spartans really able to bend elements os this is something you have added

LuciferDark:there will be but at the moment the MC is Numb to emotions due to the experiments on his body however as his path goes on this will change him

thats ok, not aying its impossible i just wanted to know since i barely played halo reach and 4 and dont know a lot of the canon xD. its ok tough, mc is more op like this :D

LuciferDark:i added that but i have not read any of the extra stuff only played the games so they may have with how insane Halsey is if she could make Spartans I am sure given enough time she could do it

to answer your other question I have left hints in the actual story to it's answer although not obvious i plan for this to be long so anything is possible I may even take suggestions if i think it will fit with the story I have planned.

daniel_rahn:nice, also is he going to build a multiversal empire? or maybe establish his presence in some multiverses while leaving the Halo universe as his home? i also wanted to know, were the Spartans really able to bend elements os this is something you have added

nice, already add it to the library xd

LuciferDark:to answer your other question I have left hints in the actual story to it's answer although not obvious i plan for this to be long so anything is possible I may even take suggestions if i think it will fit with the story I have planned.