
Review Detail of HNIC409 in The Era of a Villain

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Yo! I'm the author, obviously, and I'm leaving this here to encourage everyone to leave reviews. Check out my fanfic while you are here while chaps are getting pushed out for this one.

The Era of a Villain


Curtido por 3 pessoas




Sorry for just now replying to your question. It will be a single FL. I personally have grown tired of harems and will not be making this one. In my fanfic, there is a harem of three women. If like harems then I suggest you take a peak. Thanks for commenting!

Im_LaZy_007:so, Harem or Single FL?



Yes, there will be romance eventually. It is too early in the story for any romance right now. My MC is focused on finding his siblings so he does not have any time to focus on a romantic relationship. Thanks commenting!


so, Harem or Single FL?

HNIC409:Yes, there will be romance eventually. It is too early in the story for any romance right now. My MC is focused on finding his siblings so he does not have any time to focus on a romantic relationship. Thanks commenting!

well, I don't read harem. so I be starting this soon. thanks for replying btw

HNIC409:Sorry for just now replying to your question. It will be a single FL. I personally have grown tired of harems and will not be making this one. In my fanfic, there is a harem of three women. If like harems then I suggest you take a peak. Thanks for commenting!

me too. I have also grown tired of all those harem novels. All the mc did in those novels was collect females like pokemons. The only thing the MC had to do was take a breath and then he had like 10 harem members.

HNIC409:Sorry for just now replying to your question. It will be a single FL. I personally have grown tired of harems and will not be making this one. In my fanfic, there is a harem of three women. If like harems then I suggest you take a peak. Thanks for commenting!

so fake villian

HNIC409:Yes, there will be romance eventually. It is too early in the story for any romance right now. My MC is focused on finding his siblings so he does not have any time to focus on a romantic relationship. Thanks commenting!

can you elaborate? I need to know specifically what you mean by saying he is a fake villian.

dylan_pyle:so fake villian

because real villains do need psychological comfort from friends,family,partners,the only connections are benefits (pure selfishness).if you add connections you add restraints, so hence the fake villain.

HNIC409:can you elaborate? I need to know specifically what you mean by saying he is a fake villian.

also true villains would not trust a system so magically appears and helps me,don't see something off with that, specially with xp systems.also generally a true villain does not help people,also does not help when the author forces the mc to help people and target 'bad guys'.also generally no revenge only interests because during revenge novels they may be revenge leading up to that or not,but afterwards the MC almost always becomes soft and turns into antihero (that's generally what happens on webnovel they use the word character development).so hence revenge,changing things,harem,romance, connections, attachments,helping people,caring about anything that does not bring benefits (the throughout process must always be about benefit),practicing other people's teqneque( do I even need to say how bad of idea it is).

dylan_pyle:because real villains do need psychological comfort from friends,family,partners,the only connections are benefits (pure selfishness).if you add connections you add restraints, so hence the fake villain.

is a sign of a fake villian

dylan_pyle:also true villains would not trust a system so magically appears and helps me,don't see something off with that, specially with xp systems.also generally a true villain does not help people,also does not help when the author forces the mc to help people and target 'bad guys'.also generally no revenge only interests because during revenge novels they may be revenge leading up to that or not,but afterwards the MC almost always becomes soft and turns into antihero (that's generally what happens on webnovel they use the word character development).so hence revenge,changing things,harem,romance, connections, attachments,helping people,caring about anything that does not bring benefits (the throughout process must always be about benefit),practicing other people's teqneque( do I even need to say how bad of idea it is).

so how to do it in terms of story beside what I Have obviously mentioned, first if all plot armour needs to be practically non existent,also like RI you need kind if novel where multiple characters on the same level as the mc or higher.so yes as cultivates get stronger and older generally they get wiser and less human,as they say hero dies early,villains live forever( not quite,but you get the idea.) solid world building,so don't think making things as you go along will work out well,plan the world perfectly and worlds (make sure everything makes sense,hard to do in fanfiction because of its nature,but necessary if you going to be using a villain tag. )solid power system it mist be logical no ways the MC can brake the system unless the is more to it. I also forget to make sure villain MC and villain characters have brains,no hiding power when it's time to strike strike also being unprincipled,but see the bigger picture,be suspicious always and forever question never think your safe.the MC can be saint or demon or act like it,it's all on the way to get to a goal,but the premises is freedom not actually believing in good or bad,humanity but profit,but generally riping the house down ia more profitable then sticking to the rules since rules is backed by power ego intrests and some times multiple with intrests that leads to chaos like what we have in are world democracy is always a bad idea.

dylan_pyle:is a sign of a fake villian

Ohhh. Ok, I think I understand what you mean. I'm taking a new approach. My story is the Era of a Villian. If you read along, you will see him gradually turn into the villain. He just doesn't become a villian over night. The goal is for everyone slowly see the evolution of him becoming a villian

dylan_pyle:because real villains do need psychological comfort from friends,family,partners,the only connections are benefits (pure selfishness).if you add connections you add restraints, so hence the fake villain.

No romance it holds back the MC

HNIC409:Ohhh. Ok, I think I understand what you mean. I'm taking a new approach. My story is the Era of a Villian. If you read along, you will see him gradually turn into the villain. He just doesn't become a villian over night. The goal is for everyone slowly see the evolution of him becoming a villian