
Review Detail of 1emanresU in [DC x Overlord] Bloodbound

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The first few chapters are readable but have really inconsistent grammar, especially when it comes to using the correct tenses which does take you out of the experience if you know how to speak English correctly. No set schedule for updates but they are frequent enough. Story development is rough, it falls into the same trap all overlord fics do, too much time wasted in Yggdrasil and the real world and by the time the Mc makes it DC Earth the story has lost all it's steam. There's a bunch of Pov's from other characters way to frequently, it wouldn't be so bad if the Mc actually accomplished something meaningful before we have to see the POV of strangers we don't care about. The MC has no drive and is just wandering around while things happen out of chance, give her a real goal like conquering the covens or raising the kid to be a powerful servant and I mean make it explicit, show her working towards these goals, don't just have the Mc vaguely hint at what she wants to do in her thoughts and then not do anything. Character design is bland, all we know about the Mc is she doesn't want to be a slave and she isn't completely evil, she needs meaningful interactions with other fleshed out characters to make her interesting which is gonna be difficult since the only people she has around are an OC NPC that is even more bland than the Mc, a baby and a lizard. It would have been better to have another NPC like Shalltear accompany her since we all like her and it would provide an interesting dynamic like the Mc trying to maintain the image of a supreme being while curbing Shalltear's evil tendencies. World background isn't great either, Yggdrasil didn't feel like a game, the real world got random Cyberpunk 2077 elements thrown in (that didn't matter too much, it was just weird) and early medieval England is pretty poorly done so far. The vikings were just insane, homicidal lunatics that killed everything that moves rather than taking slaves a they would have IRL and didn't flee in fear from a giant wolf monster like any real human would. Also she states she's near a village and then finds a cave where there is a dead dragon(for centuries) and a giant hoard of gold, she sees the gold from the road outside the cave. There is no way the reader can be expected to believe that that is just there and no one has picked the place clean, the author put very little thought into the world. Overall I wouldn't recommend this, it's an overlord fic without anything we love from overlord and a DC fic set nearly 1000 years before the main DC timeline. Goodbye.

[DC x Overlord] Bloodbound


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Some of your points are valid. I'm just curious how you see her as bland when I gave her background and meaningful interaction at chapter 17. I also had her an established goal already at chapter 19 and her commit on it by chapter 23 (She just arrived for 3 days, don't expect her to conquer an entire territory in a short span of time). I'm just assuming you skip out on those because I clearly hinted at them.


To address you final point, while yes you did 'clearly hint' that's not enough, The Mc is supposed to be a skilled tactician yes, so show us her making moves to further the goals that you hinted at ( don't just show us a single vague thought about what she'll do in a future chapter).

Zerviil:Some of your points are valid. I'm just curious how you see her as bland when I gave her background and meaningful interaction at chapter 17. I also had her an established goal already at chapter 19 and her commit on it by chapter 23 (She just arrived for 3 days, don't expect her to conquer an entire territory in a short span of time). I'm just assuming you skip out on those because I clearly hinted at them.

If readers know every detail of the MC's battle plan, the outcome of a battle will be too predictable, no anticipation. I prefer leaving small hints and the imagination to you guys. I know I can't change your mind, but give it some thought on why I chose this approach.

1emanresU:To address you final point, while yes you did 'clearly hint' that's not enough, The Mc is supposed to be a skilled tactician yes, so show us her making moves to further the goals that you hinted at ( don't just show us a single vague thought about what she'll do in a future chapter).

You alive?

Zerviil:If readers know every detail of the MC's battle plan, the outcome of a battle will be too predictable, no anticipation. I prefer leaving small hints and the imagination to you guys. I know I can't change your mind, but give it some thought on why I chose this approach.