
Review Detail of Soulfulfool in CHECKMATE!

Detalhe da revisão


I read it, in my opinion it's great. I like the main character, he has a smart and ruthless brain also he thinks logically. The world settings is interesting too especially the chess theme it kinda remind me of code geass which i loved too. I just can't wait to read the next chapter. I think it's great and unique. The way the Author makes the mc has a great battle of will, wits and strategy is nice. The action is interesting too and i kinda like the romance subplot, which gives much character development. They have opposites-attract type personalities, as their strengths and weaknesses complement one another. Their shared goal of exposing the secrets of the secret society could also create a strong connection between them. However, for the ship to work, the author would need to develop the relationship in a way that feels organic and believable, and ensure that the characters remain true to their individual personalities and motivations. The premise of the book sounds very interesting and the synopsis intrigues me. I think it addresses some fundamental questions about the nature of humanity and the universe in a unique way. It seems like the story would be full of suspense and intrigue, with the two main characters going through an interesting and perhaps mind bending journey. I would definitely be inclined to read it.



Liked it!



