
Review Detail of Misifus_7w7 in Developing My Little World

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The story is very good, but the characters or races are not very well raised, an example are the dwarves, they are fantastic and very incredible beings, their life expectancy in the book of races and fantastic creatures is 350 to 450 years and in this book is only 70, and also the elves, you had just created them and then accelerated the world about 100 years and it is already dying, then I estimate that the life expectancy of an elf is 100 to 150 years, a complete trash for what is known as elves since they live hundreds of years, it is even thought that they are immortal.

Developing My Little World


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I'm sad you that you do not like the characters yet, but it is inevitable that I will miss some things when writing, unfortunately. As for your other concern about life spans, I don't think ever said it was sped up by 100 years, it was set at 10x speed, and the Elven event happened after 60% of the originals had died. I estimate that as original, with no genetic upgrades or even really any power, he would at max live around 240 years. I do Intend Maximize their lives and bring them to what we know today from our fantasy creatures however I do not believe that these first elves will have the Insane 2000 year life span simply because they have not evolved those long lived traits, YET. I hope this answers any doubts, and I hope the reading experience become more pleasurable. I still only in my first year of writing so I apologize if I make any mistakes, but I will nonetheless try my best! Happy reading - Ani