
Review Detail of ToufiqUlAlam in Half me and half...

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Intriguing start! And I am sold and hooked on the story! The characters are well designed, with pictures backing them! Amazing plot line. I was just browsing and suddenly the cover appeared in the feed. I am always a lover of good covers with beautiful girls, and the synopsis had me hooked. I can't bear when a damsel is in distress! I must embark on the journey to save them! And I must see the end of the story... Amazing!!!

Half me and half...


Curtido por 2 pessoas




You are very welcomed here!❤️ Thank you for reading and for the kind words. I appreciate it. ❤️❤️❤️


u r welcome. amazing story..I loved and is learning a lot from it.

Inemin:You are very welcomed here!❤️ Thank you for reading and for the kind words. I appreciate it. ❤️❤️❤️

If you have time to spare, please read my novels and rate them. Aboron: The Elusive World of Adventure. Strange Tales of a Little Mystic.

Inemin:You are very welcomed here!❤️ Thank you for reading and for the kind words. I appreciate it. ❤️❤️❤️

I tried to, but for some reasons it appears you have 0 chapters and there's no option to read your story. The reviews and all are shown, but nothing else. I've made a print screen.

ToufiqUlAlam:If you have time to spare, please read my novels and rate them. Aboron: The Elusive World of Adventure. Strange Tales of a Little Mystic.

I tried but I don't know why it appears that you have 0 chapters. There is no option to read it

ToufiqUlAlam:If you have time to spare, please read my novels and rate them. Aboron: The Elusive World of Adventure. Strange Tales of a Little Mystic.

Hi! I've tried to read your story, but for some reasons it appears that you have 0 chp. And there is no way to read. I've also tried to upload a print screen, yet it also doesn't work.

ToufiqUlAlam:If you have time to spare, please read my novels and rate them. Aboron: The Elusive World of Adventure. Strange Tales of a Little Mystic.

hey, sorry for inconvenience. The details: search by Mashuk_Musafir23 the books are contracted and they are being managed by my agency. The author name Mashuk_Musafir23 is tje account you need to search for. Zero chapter is because I had to take it off the platform. Please, search by Mashuk_Musafir23, and you will be able to find the books and read and react and rate. sorry for the inconvenience, once again.