
Review Detail of Johnsons in A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees

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The translation quality is quite excellent for an edited MTL, and the writing itself is also superb. I love how far thinking the author is in his worldbuilding, but a necromancer who derives his power from a forest he created is interesting, as he has to become a hero and defend the city he's stationed in. It's worth checking out.

A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees

The Key In 10 Years

Curtido por 10 pessoas




Try out the novel. Eradawn: Mythos Unveiled. This is really a great and awesome novel. Truly one of a kind that I believe is unfair for others nit to see. I hope we can all support this novel. You will all love it without a doubt, just give it a chance. I really love this novel, and I think the author has more greater things installed for us. Thanks a lot.