
Review Detail of NightHunter in Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?

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Honest review, I'm at 170 and I will drop my thoughts on this novel right now.First, writing quality. It's relatively decent, it't not as horrible as some other MTLs there, mistakes here and there but it's tolerable. 4/5.Story Development, it actually had an interesting start and concept however I just cannot stomach the fact that the MC seems to be a bit too brainless for my tastes. The MC is a legitimate Wish-Fulfillment fantasy character which I have no problem with, it's just that we have gotten to a point in the novel where the system rewards the MC for specific degenerative choices and the MC cannot think for himself and auto just follows his lower head. Just to add, by 170 there is 5 women and the Main "Wife" is like a placeholder. It's written like the MC doesn't function normally and has 0 guilt at all and just "pushed everything to the back of his mind" before he once again gets fucking laid with the next woman who "gets a weird feeling in her chest" every time. 1/5Character Design, The women are actually great in this Novel, we are shown relatively unique characters with their own quirks hobbies and even the side characters are memorable, there's not a lot of the Young Master trope that goes around although it's still used as an oppurtunity for the MC to earn brownie points with his next victim.Have I said that the MC in this novel is shallow? He is, in the novel he is portrayed as the mysterious, kind, and always smiling gentleman. But the truth in my eyes is that he just cannot form his own values, opinions, and integrity. 3/5. solely for the good work for the women's characteristicsUpdating Stability, it's an official novel, what else can I say? Unless dropped it would always stay as 5/5 and I probably won't even come back to this novel to change it if it ever does get dropped.World Background, Although we're narrowed down into like 2 cities so far, it seems that it is pretty expansive and central. Unlike in other novels where the MC starts in a backwater/rural place here the MC starts off with a relatively high level spawn seeing as there is the existence of the Li Lu or whatever family that is the 2nd Wife's relative. so 3/5 story doesn't feel like it is narrowed down by the area but it really doesn't show much world development either because the MC is either fucking or getting fucked in the literal sense in every other chapter. Overall rating, I love the premise, I've seen another novel way back and the MC radiated GROWTH like no other there, until that one got dropped which I am still sad about. anyways I came here expecting some of that, which I got very little off because other than the sudden personality shift at the beginning he's just been a paper doll since. Hence my rant here in the reviews. That's all thanks for reading.

Why Are You Crying? Because I Married Your Mom After You Broke up with Me?

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