
Review Detail of Angelina_WTF in The Dark Dyad (Tom Riddle and ofc)

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this fanfic made me cry...from the tearing i experienced while reading it today. I don’t know how it was possible to pull a person out of euphoria with just a couple of phrases, from the fact that such a wonderful work exists, to the realization that this is complete garbage, like all robots on this topic. seriously, author, you are too lazy to come up with something new, because you used the amnesia of the main character twice. this is a complete fiasco, my god, how disappointed I am. Believe it or not, I actually cried from this. it just hurts me to realize that I will never find a really decent job on this topic. I understand that you felt bad reading this comment, or whatever, but I also felt bad that you chose drama instead of a really awesome plot

The Dark Dyad (Tom Riddle and ofc)


Liked it!




as for Irene and why she doesn't remember Tom will be revealed in chapter 10-11 of the second part. If you don't want to read and don't like it, it's your choice, it's ok