
Review Detail of Voidmonk in Forgotten Soul' of An unknown God

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pretty good. Just thought a few things were weird. First there was no need for MC to be in a coma for one year. 2 that betrayal was not needed in my “opinion” MC already last his family and everyone. 3. The start of the story was about revenge but suddenly changed

Forgotten Soul' of An unknown God


Curtido por 1 pessoas




Thank you for your review. I understand that from the reader's perspective, some aspects of the story might seem unusual. However, my intention is to make the narrative more intriguing by incorporating these unconventional elements. Regarding your point about the MC being in a coma for a year and its connection to the sudden shift in the story's focus from revenge, I agree with your observation. These two elements are indeed linked, and there's a specific reason for this connection. My MC possesses three distinct personalities. If you've thoroughly read the book, you'll discover that the MC was once a god who lost his powers. His 'GOD' persona, which is his original personality, desires to regain his powers. Additionally, if you've paid attention to the descriptions of the MC's skills, you would have come across the skill called "SEAL" which represents the second personality of the 'god's chosen hero.' This persona longs for love and care from others. Finally, the third personality of the MC seeks revenge. These three personalities are influencing the MC's current persona, which is why the story's main focus isn't solely on revenge but also delves into themes of romance and power. This explanation covers only half of the reasoning behind these narrative choices. Regarding your second comment about the betrayal not being necessary, I appreciate your input. It appears there was a typo in your comment, and "last" should be corrected to "lost." I'd like to clarify that there is a compelling reason for the betrayal in the story. It serves a crucial role in the later parts of the novel, aligning with the demands of the plot's development. hpoe my answer will be satisfactory.