
Review Detail of EvilBlueCrystal in The tale of Sasuke Uchiha

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What a complete disappointment! If you're expecting anything remotely unique or interesting, prepare to be sorely let down. First and foremost, the story is a shameless copy-paste job of the anime plot. Why bother reading a novel if it's just going to regurgitate the exact same storyline? The lack of creativity is staggering, and it's clear that not even an ounce of originality exists. The start of the novel is written in a boring first person perspective. Seriously, who wants to read this copy paste where the protagonist's inner monologue drones on endlessly? And when the protagonist reincarnates into Sasuke, the perspective inexplicably shifts from first person to third person. How on earth would the author make such a bad decision? Furthermore, the protagonist's emotional attachment to random people is utterly ludicrous. Cry me a river! This individual isn't even Sasuke, yet they shed tears for complete strangers. It's pathetic, it lacks any logical explanation, and makes him look dumb. And don't get me started on the protagonist's overall demeanor. He expects others to arrest them but does nothing. He constantly apologizes as if they were the original Sasuke, completely forgetting the fact that they're a transmigrator. The first eight chapters are a complete waste of space. Absolutely nothing happens except for the protagonist clumsily "learning" a couple of jutsu, even though it's blatantly obvious they'll only ever use one or two of them. This novel is an unequivocal waste of time. The lackluster writing does nothing to salvage the abysmal plot, which shamelessly copies everything from the original, but makes everything even more boring. The the sad attempt to create an original character, and to reimagine the story through a transmigrator fails miserably, with complete disregard for logical character development. Save yourself the agony and steer clear of this average-at-best filler-ridden catastrophe.

The tale of Sasuke Uchiha


Curtido por 12 pessoas




the thing that not in canon will be sasuke who fucked every nice girl and the novel will be dropped in the end. . .


Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.


Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.


Cat_Tip:Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.

even if ur review is right can u chill out with the aggressive language. Maybe then people will take u criticism better


Shut up trash

Cat_Tip:Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.

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you're right, that guy is too stupid, he's like a b*stard who are too lonely

Cat_Tip:Don’t even trust his judgment he takes the fanfic and compares it to a professionaly made novel he reviews everything and always has nothing good to say even on fanfics I love.

A trash author’s rant how lowly can you just admit it you are trash just like your novel bruh stop stalking me what a creep

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You are the one who seems to the one who is ret arded here and the lonely creep who stalks others he just said the facts his review was spot on even if it was as if he was reviewing a professional novel nonetheless f off and go to your lowly lonely novel section and rant there what a disgusting ant

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