
Review Detail of Lazyy in Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

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Started out pretty alright. Decent beginning of a relationship between the MC and Leah (bitter shapeshifter girl in the original Twilight movies/books), and I could see it becoming a cute and natural relationship...then the author got indecisive. Out of nowhere Rosalie is suddenly revealed to be the MC's mate. That's fine, I guess, potential for a similarly cute and comforting relationship with a lonely Vamp and then Leah and the MC can have a more sibling-like friendship. Then the author puts up a poll or something to decide who the protagonist ends up being paired with...and Leah wins. So a single Rosalie was added to the story for literally no reason and is relegated to a desperate stalker, pretty much. I'm not reading a story where the author lacks basic foresight on where they want their plot to go. It just doesn't say good things about the fanfics future. Not to mention the MC's main motivations are 1) getting high and 2) eating. He literally has no other hobbies or whatever. So, odd decisions by an indecisive author who seems to keep flipflopping back and forth between Rosalie and Leah (on who gets with the MC) and a boring protagonist...all together it doesn't make for a compelling story. I'd honestly recommend a re-write.

Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!


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Why dont you write anymore bro, You’re stories where always top quality but you never finished any of them.( I especially liked the evolution ability one ) Just curious about this if you dont mind answering.


Guess I just lost motivation for writing, mate. Honestly, I might do a re-write of one of my stories one day but who knows? All depends on whether or not I have time with how much work I've got with my job lately.

Sokk3:Why dont you write anymore bro, You’re stories where always top quality but you never finished any of them.( I especially liked the evolution ability one ) Just curious about this if you dont mind answering.

That’s a bummer hopefully you get the time and desire to write again, you’re really good.