
Review Detail of PettiaMius_6689 in Prototype - A DC Dark Multiverse Tale - The Prologue

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I'm going to keep it a buck with you, since you have DC in the mix, I would suggest you read my own blacklight fanfic. Try to use my story as a guide to stay clear from certain plot traps and more. Utilizing the blacklight in any universe without any limits to its absorption is... difficult so tread carefully.

Prototype - A DC Dark Multiverse Tale - The Prologue


Curtido por 9 pessoas




Yeah! I got my first review! I happy am now! lol Sure, I'll give a read after finishing one more chapter today(for not lost my thoughts here), thanks for the review and your advise. I can see some traps already, because the concept idea of the productors of the first game was really one type of protagonist really overpower in the endgame, this action sadly maked them don't have another choice (they had other choice, but if you are a fan, you already know about it) besides nerf him in his villain's version in the sequel, just for the new protagonist have more chances of victory. I am already thinking about the limits and this one of the motives for my multiple lead story, but I can't say more now, maybe in private we can share more ideas together. Thanks again!