
Review Detail of Eldritch_Umbra in Centa Vormyndar: The Book of 100 Demons

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I'm rather torn on this one. One one hand, there's clearly a lot of thought and work put into this story. On the other hand, the actual writing itself is not very good, however not in the typical "Webnovel" fashion. In short, the story is not told in a way that can be experienced. It is simply told, like a lore dump or a character backstory. We are not "living in the moment", rather we're seeing things from the past tense. I'm assuming that this was not intentional. For example, the author consistently skips over minor events that make the major events feel rushed and disjointed, like we're going from big conversations to action scenes, and then right back to big conversations, despite significant amounts of time passing between them. While there is such a thing as being too detailed, this is quite the opposite of that. I'd suggest spending more time on the smaller moments to pace your story better, Finally, I'd suggest splitting each act into a sperate chapter each. Your chapters are far too long for the typical Webnovel reader, and your amount of readers will suffer over time.

Centa Vormyndar: The Book of 100 Demons


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