
Review Detail of Love_C_raft in The Unlimited Money System

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The word Cliché is an understatement for this fast as* plot, come on, put some depth into your novel, the only thing that's keeping your novel from being the same as MTL is the decent English, you could have put some time to add depth into your novel, your novels feels like a copy and paste of typical URBAN Chinese novel with the author having patience of a 5 year old, and imagination of a person under a rock, just by having 1 love interest you separate from the other urban novels, by having patience and making it so that he spends his money in a smart way would make your better than others, and by making his system point is converted by spending money with a ratio of 1:10000 and by having plans & goals you will have something to look forward to.

The Unlimited Money System


Curtido por 13 pessoas




I hope it's not a "ccp" licking dog like the protagonist of the novel (faloo Unlimited money in the city.)


You didn't continue to read the whole chapter, ang tanga mong hayup ka. the Chinese writing style is only at the first 10 or 15 chaps, read the chapters before writing some unnecessary stuff. If you don't like my story find another novel, it's not like I'm forcing you to read this, I gave the warning [Notice], but I guess some illiterate person didn't read it. So many dumb people nowadays, hays


Not only have I read all your chapters but I compared it to other urban sudden rich and sudden power type of novel, the only difference I see is your English, and your fast plot with the system a little more versatile. If you think yours is unique than I've got it to break you, your imaginations of your own novel is no different than others of the same type, almost every novel of the same type have similarities such as, revenge, harem, buying most expensive mansion/cars/assets, and solving issues of other characters like family problem, business problems, and of course Cultivation, it feels more faloo and wish fulfillment. some people will like it, but some wouldn't as a writer you need to understand that, and an author should not be ignorant of there own work.

Me_DaVillain:You didn't continue to read the whole chapter, ang tanga mong hayup ka. the Chinese writing style is only at the first 10 or 15 chaps, read the chapters before writing some unnecessary stuff. If you don't like my story find another novel, it's not like I'm forcing you to read this, I gave the warning [Notice], but I guess some illiterate person didn't read it. So many dumb people nowadays, hays

Warning: Criticism and sarcasm you saying "If you don like it find another novel" is like saying find a another flavour in a ice-cream store that only has 1 flavour, the excuses of ⚠️Warning⚠️ is the worst reply, when someone actually give you a criticism, all you say is "read the warning" or "I warned you" if it actually worked like that there would be no criticism reviews, most of the time people give warning for 18+ or gore type of tags, not the entire novel. "Sigh... so many dumb author now a days, hays"


I'm ignorant so what? Also, I simply don't care if people don't like my story, I already mentioned in the [Notice] Auxiliary some wordings. I'm not n professional author, so expect a work that is so unprofessional🙄

Love_C_raft:Not only have I read all your chapters but I compared it to other urban sudden rich and sudden power type of novel, the only difference I see is your English, and your fast plot with the system a little more versatile. If you think yours is unique than I've got it to break you, your imaginations of your own novel is no different than others of the same type, almost every novel of the same type have similarities such as, revenge, harem, buying most expensive mansion/cars/assets, and solving issues of other characters like family problem, business problems, and of course Cultivation, it feels more faloo and wish fulfillment. some people will like it, but some wouldn't as a writer you need to understand that, and an author should not be ignorant of there own work.

U dumb?

Love_C_raft:Warning: Criticism and sarcasm you saying "If you don like it find another novel" is like saying find a another flavour in a ice-cream store that only has 1 flavour, the excuses of ⚠️Warning⚠️ is the worst reply, when someone actually give you a criticism, all you say is "read the warning" or "I warned you" if it actually worked like that there would be no criticism reviews, most of the time people give warning for 18+ or gore type of tags, not the entire novel. "Sigh... so many dumb author now a days, hays"

welp, if you don care about your own novel than you can just ignore my comments, and when I pressed read now it didn't start with auxiliary chapter, so I didn't see that you didn't care about your own novel, so it my bad.

Me_DaVillain:I'm ignorant so what? Also, I simply don't care if people don't like my story, I already mentioned in the [Notice] Auxiliary some wordings. I'm not n professional author, so expect a work that is so unprofessional🙄

It's alright, it's not you, it's me, I also felt thrilled and sheer pleasure when you try to lecture and scold me 😳

Love_C_raft:welp, if you don care about your own novel than you can just ignore my comments, and when I pressed read now it didn't start with auxiliary chapter, so I didn't see that you didn't care about your own novel, so it my bad.