
Review Detail of Kw0z in Short stories of violence

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You have mental issues. Therapy is recommended.

Short stories of violence


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Well for starters you have no way of knowing whether I have mental issues. Just because I write this type of stuff doesn’t mean I do it. also it’s rude and disrespectful to tell someone you don’t even know that they have mental issues. its just a story so I dont know how that determines that I have metal issues.

Kw0z:Telling a psychopath he’s a psychopath isn’t mean. In this case, telling someone with mental issues that they have mental issues isn’t mean.

If you don’t like it then you didn’t have to read it. No need to be mean.


I’m not being mean. I’m being serious.

Readerfanatic:If you don’t like it then you didn’t have to read it. No need to be mean.

Well why would someone say the author has menstal issues if they are not being mean? You didn’t have to say it that way either. You could’ve just said you didn’t like it.


Telling a psychopath he’s a psychopath isn’t mean. In this case, telling someone with mental issues that they have mental issues isn’t mean.

Readerfanatic:Well why would someone say the author has menstal issues if they are not being mean? You didn’t have to say it that way either. You could’ve just said you didn’t like it.

People who write about t0rture aren’f exactly normal.

Readerfanatic: Well for starters you have no way of knowing whether I have mental issues. Just because I write this type of stuff doesn’t mean I do it. also it’s rude and disrespectful to tell someone you don’t even know that they have mental issues. its just a story so I dont know how that determines that I have metal issues.

Not normal dosnt mean they have mental issues. ALso there are a lot of people on here who write about torture so I don’t know why you’re over here telling me something that’s extremely disrespectful and rude.

Kw0z:People who write about t0rture aren’f exactly normal.

There are a lot of people who write about t0rture as a way to progress their story. This is the first story I’ve seen where the entire novel is just about people being tortured.

Readerfanatic:Not normal dosnt mean they have mental issues. ALso there are a lot of people on here who write about torture so I don’t know why you’re over here telling me something that’s extremely disrespectful and rude.

I don’t see anyone else stating that I have metal issues and that I’m crazy. So you’re on your own if you seriously think I have mental issues. I’m not going to continue this conversation since it looks like you are young and can’t understand things as well as someone who is older.

Kw0z:There are a lot of people who write about t0rture as a way to progress their story. This is the first story I’ve seen where the entire novel is just about people being tortured.

I will aso be deleting your review since it was just you stating that I have metal issues and not contructive crit.icism

Kw0z:There are a lot of people who write about t0rture as a way to progress their story. This is the first story I’ve seen where the entire novel is just about people being tortured.

What are you even talking about? “You’re young, so I’m right” is basically what you just said. Also, your story isn’t even near popular. Do you expect for all of your very low readers to say you have mental issues?

Readerfanatic:I don’t see anyone else stating that I have metal issues and that I’m crazy. So you’re on your own if you seriously think I have mental issues. I’m not going to continue this conversation since it looks like you are young and can’t understand things as well as someone who is older.

Lol. Classic move to delete a review you don’t like.

Readerfanatic:I will aso be deleting your review since it was just you stating that I have metal issues and not contructive crit.icism