
Review Detail of DelzGB in Yes.....I am a Healer

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PRECURSOR: I am not trying to be insulting with this review; this is just me being honest in an attempt to push you in the right direction. Starting off, the grammar makes this close to unreadable; it's not the worst I've seen on here, but far below par. I'd suggest using Grammarly until you can improve on your own. Secondly, there is far, far too much exposition -- that's a quick way to lose any interested readers right off the bat. Make things interesting; make it spark but also, don't force it. You're also not doing yourself any favors with a synopsis like that; it's barebones and barely a sentence -- it tells potential readers nothing and will not grip their interest.

Yes.....I am a Healer


Curtido por 1 pessoas




Hello, first of all thank u DelzGB for dropping a review, its a precious feedback. I will definitely use your suggestion to improve my grammar, and secondly, I am sorry that you didn't feel the spark, but everything will be good after the introduction of MC hope I wont disappoint any of you all till then.


Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. There is far more beyond grammar that needs ro be fixed. I don’t exactly feel like blasting you on your own page, so if you want help contact me on discord— it’s on my profile.

211_writings:Hello, first of all thank u DelzGB for dropping a review, its a precious feedback. I will definitely use your suggestion to improve my grammar, and secondly, I am sorry that you didn't feel the spark, but everything will be good after the introduction of MC hope I wont disappoint any of you all till then.