
Review Detail of AngelFromSpace in Unyielding Demon Soul(Dropped)

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While the book has lofty ambitions, the actual delivery left me wanting more. The story attempts to deal with complex themes and its protagonist, named 'Fang,' is clearly based on the old xianxia novel Reverend Insanity, but all of this is done in a heavy-handed, disappointing manner without much subtlety. The characters, especially the supposedly wise and tranquil demon protagonist, come across as one-dimensional and cliched. The cultivation world building feels superficial and derivative of better works in the genre. The plot involving the demon's quest for heavenly power proceeds in a predictable and unoriginal fashion. The long passages of the MC's thought process often come across as bland and simple-minded. The unrestrained use of hyperbole makes the story's ambitions feel disproportionate to its actual substance and talents. In the end, this webnovel had some interesting elements in its premise but ultimately failed to live up to its lofty goals. The flaws in characterization, worldbuilding and plotting hold it back from truly capturing the transcendent and heavenly qualities it aspires to. It is also too obviously derivative of works like RI, without much creative vision or purpose of its own. While some readers seeking an easy, cliched and familiar cultivation tale may find enjoyment here, those seeking more depth and originality will likely be left unsatisfied.

Unyielding Demon Soul(Dropped)


Curtido por 10 pessoas

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