
Review Detail of Cleiton_Sena_6677 in The Bizarre Life Of Tadano

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I was really enjoying it, but the author started adding too much stuff, the other stories were almost completely forgotten (As far as I've read), where's Komi? to Saki? what happened to lumine? the author just keeps adding more things and making the story more messy and boring, and with the addition of the Fateverse in the main world, for me it ended everything, although I like Fate I don't remember any fanfic that a crossover with him gave right (Google Translate)

The Bizarre Life Of Tadano


Curtido por 8 pessoas




The fact that It seems like the Author was planning to add Dxd to the main world. Fate xDxD as a main world, and the protagonist was just ignoring the supernatural side of the world.😐


Sadly this is true, unfortunately the author overloaded this work too much with unnecessary things, in fact he reached a point where he no longer respected the original material on which this fanfic is inspired, he eliminated 90% of the roster of the original Komi characters- san, just to add cliché things and not to mention modifying more hateful personalities (Hitomi for example)