
Review Detail of Red_Hawk1 in The Extra's Dominance

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I'm truly glad a friend recommended this to me!! This is better compared to that boot-licking, azzkissing Ren Dover or other 99% similar MC's (extra), always hiding their potential, always helping the shetty chosen one in the shadows, allowing themselves to be insulted by everyone, teachers students, heroines, everyone!! Finally, an MC (extra) that doesn't babysit the protagonist?!? What a dream come true!! He feels similar to Gu Changge and Mr. Pet Shop and I love it!!

The Extra's Dominance


Curtido por 1 pessoas




https://inkstone.webnovel.com/novels/view/24470188205591705 If u like If u like this book u definitely would want to read my book, The Destiny first book in the Master Chronicles. A superb spell-bounding book, with compelling plot twists and with good paragraph quality, and PLUS it’s written by a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD! You should check IT OUT NOW! Plz, SPREAD THE NEWS AND TELL ANYONE U KNOW! And PLZ, PRETTY PLZ RATE IT AND GIVE A REVIEW!


I'm ready glad you like it, I'll try to make the story even better so stay tuned! ≧∇≦ Also, say my thanks to your friend for recommending my work. ฅ'ω'ฅ


I will! (*^▽^*) This story is already one of a kind, superior to it's peers, and I did thank him, he was so excited when he first found your book, would love to see more of your work in the future! hehe q(≧▽≦q)

Drei05:I'm ready glad you like it, I'll try to make the story even better so stay tuned! ≧∇≦ Also, say my thanks to your friend for recommending my work. ฅ'ω'ฅ

It would be interesting to see your future work, if you plan on making fanfics, here are some I would recommend to read with their authors, Pokemon (Quite popular right now) (Like monster paradise, sadly hasn't updated in over 7 months), Dragon Ball (BucketOfShirts), Bleach (meatball_san) or even One Piece (ImagineMaker), sadly most fics here like to follow the trope of helping the protag, there are only a few hidden gems like this, that said, hope you enjoy! 🥰

Drei05:I'm ready glad you like it, I'll try to make the story even better so stay tuned! ≧∇≦ Also, say my thanks to your friend for recommending my work. ฅ'ω'ฅ

Hm, I'm happy to have a reader like you and your friend, thanks :3

Red_Hawk1:I will! (*^▽^*) This story is already one of a kind, superior to it's peers, and I did thank him, he was so excited when he first found your book, would love to see more of your work in the future! hehe q(≧▽≦q)

Thank you as well! Since me and him don't like Ren Dover's character, and prefer Raven in any day, not sure if he has shared this to you yet but he's planning on making some broken skills for our dearest MC 🤫, he said to me, no son of fate will every surpass Raven with these skills!! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Drei05:Hm, I'm happy to have a reader like you and your friend, thanks :3

What's your friend's user btw?

Red_Hawk1:Thank you as well! Since me and him don't like Ren Dover's character, and prefer Raven in any day, not sure if he has shared this to you yet but he's planning on making some broken skills for our dearest MC 🤫, he said to me, no son of fate will every surpass Raven with these skills!! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

It's Milk Hunter, really love his choice of usernames haha

Drei05:What's your friend's user btw?

Oh, been talking to him earlier lol

Red_Hawk1:It's Milk Hunter, really love his choice of usernames haha

I knew it! Haha, he's the type of guy to share his ideas he deemed good to the authors that he likes( ̄︶ ̄)

Drei05:Oh, been talking to him earlier lol