
Review Detail of SlowWittedSong in Fulfilling my Desires

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Fulfilling my Desires


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Dude, I also seen this guy's comment in a DxD fic ,I forgot the name of the fic same language.

Depression_Sucks:This review is not useful the author should delete this review .This guy is an idiot if you don't like the book just drop it and leave or write your own book that will satisfy you. Maybe you just need an attention here attention that you want.

The author can't read your review, wait I remember you you're also the one who give DxD: Empire a low review.


This review is not useful the author should delete this review .This guy is an idiot if you don't like the book just drop it and leave or write your own book that will satisfy you. Maybe you just need an attention here attention that you want.


I feel like I'm degrading because of this novel. as a typical author who writes dxd fan fiction with the main character as the villain antagonist, he (the author) tries with all his might to show what a bad and crazy character he is, but all that comes out is a sexual maniac whose brain cells are constantly dying off. I understand that you are writing this fanfic and it belongs only to you (and you have the right to write whatever you want) but you yourself simply underestimate your potential, for example, you could show his mental struggle because of what he is doing in the end he just raycarned and his system, which, as I understand it, should push him to which, as I understand it, should push him to evil or just bad deeds could show his humility and determination to go over the heads, trampling the canonical plot into the dirt. (((don't make noise, I wrote a review especially for you)))

Depression_Sucks:This review is not useful the author should delete this review .This guy is an idiot if you don't like the book just drop it and leave or write your own book that will satisfy you. Maybe you just need an attention here attention that you want.