
Review Detail of Mr_Aizen in One Piece: Wild Hunt

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I give it such a low rating for the existence of Drake. If it is true that she does not appear again for hundreds of chapters, I will change it to five stars

One Piece: Wild Hunt


Curtido por 136 pessoas




At the time of writing this: 1.4 million views / 35 reviews ... Seems legit.


can you explain more what happened please idm spoilers I've had this story on hold for it to build up chapters and want to know if it wont be worth it


Drake sleeps with someone who isn't the MC and everyone is butthurt about it

DarkestCalling:can you explain more what happened please idm spoilers I've had this story on hold for it to build up chapters and want to know if it wont be worth it

ah I thought it was something else I saw a few comments and reviews that made it sound like she betrayed him and degraded him or something it was the time with chiron right ?

Haykaiju:Drake sleeps with someone who isn't the MC and everyone is butthurt about it

yep, I'm not a fan of her character either but the reviews here are exaggerated imo

DarkestCalling:ah I thought it was something else I saw a few comments and reviews that made it sound like she betrayed him and degraded him or something it was the time with chiron right ?

mmhhmm author could have chosen a less caustic servant though to be honest I could only see 2 of the servants as being able to become true love interests if they all stay firm to their "character" but from where I stopped reading author was on a firm stance about his relationships being a passing thing till they make it to the grail

Haykaiju:yep, I'm not a fan of her character either but the reviews here are exaggerated imo

which chapter ? number ?


So basically the only reason this has such a high rating is the author probably deletes low star reviews. No wonder.

DarkestCalling:mmhhmm author could have chosen a less caustic servant though to be honest I could only see 2 of the servants as being able to become true love interests if they all stay firm to their "character" but from where I stopped reading author was on a firm stance about his relationships being a passing thing till they make it to the grail

Uff thanks I stop reading the story super early now I can skip the story completely. Thanks for the spoiler I really appreciate it 🙂

Haykaiju:Drake sleeps with someone who isn't the MC and everyone is butthurt about it

Never know you can delete review, the story is going well currently. Though not perfect I'm alright with it, since MC stay away from Drake. With Vivi on the crew, it'd be another harem collection ff again tho... Hope not, since too many harem member likes the one in naruto is too much. Like them, but really too exaggerated on catch em all tag.

Stray99th:So basically the only reason this has such a high rating is the author probably deletes low star reviews. No wonder.

All I can say is be prepared, her and MC will 100% end up together at some point in the story (especially considering she is the cover pic). I imagine Ein will try to explain her beh*vior as trying to help out the MC with his issues but that is not how you h*lp anyone, especially someone with his pr*blems.


What happened with Drake? Did she have a falling out with the MC?

xEidolon:All I can say is be prepared, her and MC will 100% end up together at some point in the story (especially considering she is the cover pic). I imagine Ein will try to explain her beh*vior as trying to help out the MC with his issues but that is not how you h*lp anyone, especially someone with his pr*blems.

well she appeared again in chapter 100, does that count?


Que fanfic mas basura seria si pasa lo que decís vos que al final terminan juntos realmente

xEidolon:All I can say is be prepared, her and MC will 100% end up together at some point in the story (especially considering she is the cover pic). I imagine Ein will try to explain her beh*vior as trying to help out the MC with his issues but that is not how you h*lp anyone, especially someone with his pr*blems.

sounds like excuses, to be fair i wiuld use a command on several of the servants uoon summon to objectify them as purpose order driven robots that besides staying alive treated as a boat,healingpod,training manual in that order. maybe stress relief just for mcs future crew to use when needed. This way mcs crew can fet atrong or heal whenever and boost str of crew fast qithiut the verbal lashing or ntring. why does he want to go for grail anyway..

xEidolon:All I can say is be prepared, her and MC will 100% end up together at some point in the story (especially considering she is the cover pic). I imagine Ein will try to explain her beh*vior as trying to help out the MC with his issues but that is not how you h*lp anyone, especially someone with his pr*blems.