
Review Detail of CephJester in Dragon in Harry Potter

Detalhe da revisão


A score of 4.6/5.0 The writing quality is reasonable, although there could be some work with reviewing chapters before posting them. Quite a number of grammatical errors. 3/5. Stability has seemed pretty good so far. 5/5. Story Development seems well-paced with the current amount of chapters. Might change the review depending on what happens in the future for updates. 5/5. Character Design is robotic and a little bland at times, but then again, most characters at the start of fan fiction are bland. Give it some time and I may decrease or maintain this part of the review. 5/5. World Background is also pretty good. Only a few chapters at this point, but some aspects of the HP world have been introduced to us, and that's all we can really say so far. 5/5.

Dragon in Harry Potter


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