
Review Detail of Pragmatico in Level up Zombie

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I will start by saying I read what was free and stopped. The genre and theme are one of my favorites to read but I don’t like the mc. You used the antihero tag but he is literally playing the savior so far in the story. Also in what was free you never took time to explain the system or allow mc to explore it. He has turned zero people ate only dead people and hasn’t even leveled up once. The grammar is on point. I would like to say world building is good as well but the author has not spoken about the general aspects of his worlds size the mc’s general location other than at uni near a town or even the general culture of the country they are in. Wish you luck though

Level up Zombie


Curtido por 30 pessoas




In the free chapters MC is not an antihero. I didn’t read further because nothing grab my attention to make me curious enough to pay to read further and that is my personal choice as it was yours to buy a book beforehand. When there are literally thousands of stories on here you need something to grab people’s attention to get them to want to read. It didn’t get my attention due to lack of worldbuilding as well as no information from n how the system will work later in the novel. If it follows every other zombie system then it would get boring and repetitive I would like to know in advance that is all

aridavid5:A few things: (1) There is a plot reason to why the location of the University is not mentioned until much later in the novel. (2) The mc is an antihero, the novel shows a beautiful character progression. (3) I agree that the free chapters are for peaking your interest, and from what you posted this one did. Your complaint was more that there was little revealed, and you could have used the 3 free unlocks you get daily to continue reading and later decide if you want to use coins. I'm going to give you an example of the first novel series I ever read, Harry Potter. When I started reading it was shortly before the 4th book was out. There was a lot of hype. I think none of the movies had been made yet, but there was hype about them already. I hated the first chapter I fell asleep about 3 times while reading it. Yet, I had bought the book and was curious about the hype, therefore I powered through. I started slightly liking the story maybe after the 5th chapter, and now I consider it a very well written and thought out story. I loved it.

Thank you for the review I think your review is fair. To be honest everything starts after the free chapters. If you read up to the latest one, the turning point is after what is revealed for the MC, as well as the system exploration.


I can only speak for myself but I’m not using coins and FPs to see if I like a story’s concept. That’s what the free chapters are for in my opinion but I wish you luck

JKSManga:Thank you for the review I think your review is fair. To be honest everything starts after the free chapters. If you read up to the latest one, the turning point is after what is revealed for the MC, as well as the system exploration.

precisely you dont pay unless you are certain its a good story if the free chapters dont explain anything and are unable to let you know if its good or bad u will stop and search for a book that you like instead

Pragmatico:I can only speak for myself but I’m not using coins and FPs to see if I like a story’s concept. That’s what the free chapters are for in my opinion but I wish you luck

A few things: (1) There is a plot reason to why the location of the University is not mentioned until much later in the novel. (2) The mc is an antihero, the novel shows a beautiful character progression. (3) I agree that the free chapters are for peaking your interest, and from what you posted this one did. Your complaint was more that there was little revealed, and you could have used the 3 free unlocks you get daily to continue reading and later decide if you want to use coins. I'm going to give you an example of the first novel series I ever read, Harry Potter. When I started reading it was shortly before the 4th book was out. There was a lot of hype. I think none of the movies had been made yet, but there was hype about them already. I hated the first chapter I fell asleep about 3 times while reading it. Yet, I had bought the book and was curious about the hype, therefore I powered through. I started slightly liking the story maybe after the 5th chapter, and now I consider it a very well written and thought out story. I loved it.

Pragmatico:I can only speak for myself but I’m not using coins and FPs to see if I like a story’s concept. That’s what the free chapters are for in my opinion but I wish you luck

You are right the MC not an antihero at all. I got confused and thought I was responding to a comment on My Vampire System, another novel from the same author and a chronological sequel to Level Up Zombie.

Pragmatico:In the free chapters MC is not an antihero. I didn’t read further because nothing grab my attention to make me curious enough to pay to read further and that is my personal choice as it was yours to buy a book beforehand. When there are literally thousands of stories on here you need something to grab people’s attention to get them to want to read. It didn’t get my attention due to lack of worldbuilding as well as no information from n how the system will work later in the novel. If it follows every other zombie system then it would get boring and repetitive I would like to know in advance that is all

Hello there, you said I should contact you anything I wrote another novel so come check out shadow lord returns

Pragmatico:In the free chapters MC is not an antihero. I didn’t read further because nothing grab my attention to make me curious enough to pay to read further and that is my personal choice as it was yours to buy a book beforehand. When there are literally thousands of stories on here you need something to grab people’s attention to get them to want to read. It didn’t get my attention due to lack of worldbuilding as well as no information from n how the system will work later in the novel. If it follows every other zombie system then it would get boring and repetitive I would like to know in advance that is all