
Review Detail of supporthero in Pyr's Heart

Detalhe da revisão


WQ: 5/5 Reason: This book is a gem in the making, I ain't lying. The writing style is great, kinda like those traditional books you will see on the shelf of a bookstore. Will recom this one on someone I know will like it. Just a bit more on the synopsis, cuz it is definitely lacking. SoU: 5/5 Reason: I am a binge reader. And I really love seeing the amount of total chaps on a book and this one hit that mark. 28 chaps filled with goodness from start to finish. SD: 4/5 Reason: A bit slow, but who cares. It's still good. Only 4 because I need more info on some of the characters in the first three chaps. CD: 4/5 Reason: Same as the previous one. Character Design has little to no info about the characters like what they look like. I just know their eye color but none on their appearance and other things. WB: 5/5 Reason: The background is good, just a bit confusing on the first chapter. It felt like, it is not needed at all but maybe it is. Overall: 4.6/5 More info for the character please. I can't even imagine what Angel looks like or Pyr for that matter. Anything else is good. Good luck with your book!

Pyr's Heart


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