
Review Detail of Marschmallow in Becoming a Monster

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If the synopsis is already written poorly, why would you even start to read?

Becoming a Monster


Curtido por 19 pessoas




Thank you for leaving this! at least this will ward off other people with the same mindset.


no problem I got you bro

Valtura:Thank you for leaving this! at least this will ward off other people with the same mindset.

Author is also extremely childish, in my review, author felt so offended he switched to the most obvious alt account to attack me. It has one 5 star review of this novel and one comment attacking me.


I’ m a current reader and I’m enjoying the story, but I find it very childish that you are commenting under past reviews to continue speaking negatively after having a disagreement with the author and another reviewer. You apparently enjoy going to stories and leaving detailed comments of what they are doing wrong with their stories. If you feel you are so well equipped to continue telling others how to/ and what to write about, then you should go ahead and click the become a writer button, instead of living in the shadows of other authors. I can see you said you are leaving the disagreement alone but it doesn’t seem that way and I’m looking forward to the ending of this story, so if you are going to continue to linger and spread negativity, then I’m going to report you. And before you try and say I’m an alternate account we can gladly challenge that and report each other and the creators of the app can see I am not the author. Please learn to move on when you say you will and let us readers who are enjoying the story continue to enjoy. Have a great day!

ForceRecon:Author is also extremely childish, in my review, author felt so offended he switched to the most obvious alt account to attack me. It has one 5 star review of this novel and one comment attacking me.

You may or may not be an alt...and frankly, it doesn't matter. A VPN among other things could easily spoof an IP address, you could also manually change the perceived device. I'm not sure why you all keep bringing up that I should write a story, at no point in time did I express my desire to do so. If the author wanted to become a writer, they should have expected to encounter criticism, taking things personally is bad for your health. He can't experience personal growth when he's attacking readers and using alternate accounts to do so as well. Telling the reader to write his own novel when they have no interest in writing is such a poor insult that I don't even know where to begin with it. As far for why I'm commenting under past reviews, I think people should know the kind of author they're dealing with. I understand why MCs character growth in this is so stilted, the author himself needs to mature. I'm also unsure why you, if you're not an alt, the author and his alt are so invested in a bad review that you comb someone's history and decide to attack them. If this isn't the staple move a 13 year old kid, I don't what is. Like I said to the author, I hope you find peace, look into meditation.

Shortielove1502:I’ m a current reader and I’m enjoying the story, but I find it very childish that you are commenting under past reviews to continue speaking negatively after having a disagreement with the author and another reviewer. You apparently enjoy going to stories and leaving detailed comments of what they are doing wrong with their stories. If you feel you are so well equipped to continue telling others how to/ and what to write about, then you should go ahead and click the become a writer button, instead of living in the shadows of other authors. I can see you said you are leaving the disagreement alone but it doesn’t seem that way and I’m looking forward to the ending of this story, so if you are going to continue to linger and spread negativity, then I’m going to report you. And before you try and say I’m an alternate account we can gladly challenge that and report each other and the creators of the app can see I am not the author. Please learn to move on when you say you will and let us readers who are enjoying the story continue to enjoy. Have a great day!

Thanks for your comment. Proves my point that you are not going to do what you said and leave well enough alone, but I’ll go ahead and do what I said. No time for back and forth. Please have a great day and hopefully you find peace to finally move on sir.


CAN SOMEONE PLEASE explain to me why the one of author's alt Sith_Cloud is going around being an aggressive homophobe? His alt account which he basically flat out admins to only reviews and comments against readers posts "boyfriend" like the ultimate insult and misuses the word simp over and over, this toxic attitude is disgusting.


u do know right that readers are able to comment in a critcal way a story without being an actual author right?

Shortielove1502:I’ m a current reader and I’m enjoying the story, but I find it very childish that you are commenting under past reviews to continue speaking negatively after having a disagreement with the author and another reviewer. You apparently enjoy going to stories and leaving detailed comments of what they are doing wrong with their stories. If you feel you are so well equipped to continue telling others how to/ and what to write about, then you should go ahead and click the become a writer button, instead of living in the shadows of other authors. I can see you said you are leaving the disagreement alone but it doesn’t seem that way and I’m looking forward to the ending of this story, so if you are going to continue to linger and spread negativity, then I’m going to report you. And before you try and say I’m an alternate account we can gladly challenge that and report each other and the creators of the app can see I am not the author. Please learn to move on when you say you will and let us readers who are enjoying the story continue to enjoy. Have a great day!

Don't even bother, that is an alt that reviews this novel multiple times, it uses "big brain" 4 star reviews to and defends the novel with it's life to protect authors novel with discriminatory undertones that revolves around a simp

the_Harlequin:u do know right that readers are able to comment in a critcal way a story without being an actual author right?

can alts get even more obvious than this, if you aren't an alt that just makes it even more sad that you protect a homophobic author and do nothing but review this novel and defend it

Shortielove1502:I’ m a current reader and I’m enjoying the story, but I find it very childish that you are commenting under past reviews to continue speaking negatively after having a disagreement with the author and another reviewer. You apparently enjoy going to stories and leaving detailed comments of what they are doing wrong with their stories. If you feel you are so well equipped to continue telling others how to/ and what to write about, then you should go ahead and click the become a writer button, instead of living in the shadows of other authors. I can see you said you are leaving the disagreement alone but it doesn’t seem that way and I’m looking forward to the ending of this story, so if you are going to continue to linger and spread negativity, then I’m going to report you. And before you try and say I’m an alternate account we can gladly challenge that and report each other and the creators of the app can see I am not the author. Please learn to move on when you say you will and let us readers who are enjoying the story continue to enjoy. Have a great day!

nice try buddy, nice try, you have anything but peace in you, author

Shortielove1502:Thanks for your comment. Proves my point that you are not going to do what you said and leave well enough alone, but I’ll go ahead and do what I said. No time for back and forth. Please have a great day and hopefully you find peace to finally move on sir.

If I was attacked by an author I would find a way to vent my frustration as well, do you know how obvious it is given your multiple reviews and comments defending this and saying "IM A CURRENT reADer" every time acting like you aren't the author, my gosh

Shortielove1502:I’ m a current reader and I’m enjoying the story, but I find it very childish that you are commenting under past reviews to continue speaking negatively after having a disagreement with the author and another reviewer. You apparently enjoy going to stories and leaving detailed comments of what they are doing wrong with their stories. If you feel you are so well equipped to continue telling others how to/ and what to write about, then you should go ahead and click the become a writer button, instead of living in the shadows of other authors. I can see you said you are leaving the disagreement alone but it doesn’t seem that way and I’m looking forward to the ending of this story, so if you are going to continue to linger and spread negativity, then I’m going to report you. And before you try and say I’m an alternate account we can gladly challenge that and report each other and the creators of the app can see I am not the author. Please learn to move on when you say you will and let us readers who are enjoying the story continue to enjoy. Have a great day!

1 of the most obvious alt ever, u dont even try to hide it

Shortielove1502:Thanks for your comment. Proves my point that you are not going to do what you said and leave well enough alone, but I’ll go ahead and do what I said. No time for back and forth. Please have a great day and hopefully you find peace to finally move on sir.