
Review Detail of TheBearB13 in Title of Goblin (DROPPED)

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As of chapter 6 (present 'up to date' chapter; any minor spoilers listed are vague enough to not warrant a 'spoiler tag' in my opinion), I have quite enjoyed your story so far. As far as the writing quality of the story goes I believe it to be exemplary in creating scenes within the text, with only the rare improper use of a term or use of an adverb when an adjective may be a better fit─ overall well written. I can not comment much on update stability but I believe when I added the story to my 'Library' multiple weeks ago it was also 6 chapters so I believe it may be on hold presently? I hope the author merely wanted to see how people reacted and intends to write more later. It is difficult to comment on story development or world background when the story is as short as this one is thus-far but I will say that there is a lot of potential for world building and plenty of questions hinted at for the reader to think about future developments so I will say that has a decent chance should the author decide to continue. I always look forward to an extensive world design and this story certainly appears to be prepared to deliver with 7 kingdoms, multiple planetary-ranks, and great regions to explore. Lastly, character design/development─ well done─ though with the limited number of chapters one can not tell the full story, with what has been given you see rapid character growth and the MC has potential for Qi transformations, wrapped up in some mysterious ????? plans, and I hope to see some developments in Garglich + 3 down the road as well. Overall, I enjoyed what was presented thus far, I plan to check out some of your other stories but do hope to see this come back, I had almost removed it from my 'Library' when I saw it still had not updated further but decided 'only 6 chapters' was a quick enough read to see if I'd keep it around─ and it seems 'worth' sticking with in my book.

Title of Goblin (DROPPED)


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Hey, author here. Thank you so much for leaving this review! It helped me understand a good bit of the general consensus of what people expect from my story. However, for now, at the very least, I am not planning to work on this story for a while. This may even be a permanent choice due to the fact that I am currently working on "Path to The Pinnacle." Thank you for enjoying this book, but I can assure you that Path to The Pinnacle is much better. It is a work of mine that is written by much more experienced hands. Although I am still a relatively new writer, from GOBLIN to Path to The Pinnacle, the amount of change in the writing experience is very large. Almost everything you like about GOBLIN including character development, world-building, and everything else is going to be heavily included in Path to The Pinnacle. I've written several books and I can surely say that Path to The Pinnacle is a culmination of them all. I highly recommend you check it out, and I'm sorry for the pause on GOBLIN. Thank you!


I appreciate the rapid-response :) Understandable if you end up not continuing this, I just wanted to say I enjoyed the premise and largely the setup itself. I definitely will be checking out your other works (once I get through another dozen or so other titles on my 'list' haha).

Adash_Dhakal_4279:Hey, author here. Thank you so much for leaving this review! It helped me understand a good bit of the general consensus of what people expect from my story. However, for now, at the very least, I am not planning to work on this story for a while. This may even be a permanent choice due to the fact that I am currently working on "Path to The Pinnacle." Thank you for enjoying this book, but I can assure you that Path to The Pinnacle is much better. It is a work of mine that is written by much more experienced hands. Although I am still a relatively new writer, from GOBLIN to Path to The Pinnacle, the amount of change in the writing experience is very large. Almost everything you like about GOBLIN including character development, world-building, and everything else is going to be heavily included in Path to The Pinnacle. I've written several books and I can surely say that Path to The Pinnacle is a culmination of them all. I highly recommend you check it out, and I'm sorry for the pause on GOBLIN. Thank you!