
Review Detail of Blacklotus in Shadow Slave

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Overall a far better read than most original novels but still immensely disappointing. -world building is completely ignored, 260 chapters in and we know next to nothing about the real world. -The main character seems to completely change personality from chapter to chapter and it becomes increasingly harder to identify in him: he starts out as being willing to do anything in order to survive (poisoning teammates in advance during the firt nightmare), then he somehow becomes able to throw his life away for two girls a few days after having met them (he basically becomes good natured). He then leaves the female lead because she was planning to sacrifice hundreds of people but then he somehow rejoins her because she asks for help???? He even changed his name from sunless (which I thought was a cool name) to sunny (perfect name for a simp). -every other character seems to completely change personality as well in order to further the plot. The female lead turns from a shy girl to a deceptive murderer, cassie turns from an innocent girl to cold and indifferent. Like what the hell is happening? Every single character is hateful and immensely irritating. -i dont know what to say about the plot but the mc was hiding everything for 200 chapters only to reveal everything to everyone for no apparent reason. Also the pacing is terribly slow, 250 chapters in and he hasn't even gone above sleeper rank (the lowest rank). It feels like the author has no clear direction for the story and is just writing whatever comes to mind daily.

Shadow Slave


Curtido por 3 pessoas




it was good at first. and it went down hill.

CrimsonStaR:Very true. Idk why this novel is so high rated, I guess the novel quality of webnovel have fallen so low that people are now happy with just reading this kind of story. It's dissappointing

Very true. Idk why this novel is so high rated, I guess the novel quality of webnovel have fallen so low that people are now happy with just reading this kind of story. It's dissappointing