
Review Detail of Sweatysausage in GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?

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Really good up until 640 then lots of filler. I usually wouldn’t mind it but it has the mistake of being boring so dropped.



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This is really true. I had to skip the fourth stage in the tournament completely.

Dune_Lone:You focused too much on the world god’s tournament haven’t caught up but I can see the chapters list shows it’s over a 100 chapters you have 9 mcs and the realm lord to dive into imo your book should be way more fast paced cause even if you made it fast paced there is so much content for you to cover that we can get something new every chapter but you focused too much on soverick imo not like he isn’t interesting but I feel like a faster pace would have done this right cause it would be giving things to look forward to every chap

It is such a shame that you're dropping the book. what filler has made you stopped reading?


You focused too much on the world god’s tournament haven’t caught up but I can see the chapters list shows it’s over a 100 chapters you have 9 mcs and the realm lord to dive into imo your book should be way more fast paced cause even if you made it fast paced there is so much content for you to cover that we can get something new every chapter but you focused too much on soverick imo not like he isn’t interesting but I feel like a faster pace would have done this right cause it would be giving things to look forward to every chap

DMadLord:It is such a shame that you're dropping the book. what filler has made you stopped reading?

Volume 4 isn't about the competition. finish it and get back to me again. we will see if you still think so. or should I spoil you right now and tell you what volume 4 is about?

Dune_Lone:You focused too much on the world god’s tournament haven’t caught up but I can see the chapters list shows it’s over a 100 chapters you have 9 mcs and the realm lord to dive into imo your book should be way more fast paced cause even if you made it fast paced there is so much content for you to cover that we can get something new every chapter but you focused too much on soverick imo not like he isn’t interesting but I feel like a faster pace would have done this right cause it would be giving things to look forward to every chap

And what do you mean volume 4 isn’t about the competition that’s literally the entire arc

DMadLord:Volume 4 isn't about the competition. finish it and get back to me again. we will see if you still think so. or should I spoil you right now and tell you what volume 4 is about?

have you finished it or do you want me to tell you? the volume is titled schemes and Plots. That should give you an hint to what the volume is about. the competition is a facade.

Dune_Lone:And what do you mean volume 4 isn’t about the competition that’s literally the entire arc

any good story needs filler to set up a climax it's normal especially for long term consistency and quality of writing.As long as the book itself is not just 90 percent filler it's actually healthy for a book since most of the time we are not always in crisis mode.


No no no no don’t give me that look at infinite mana in the apocalypse it hype every chapter after another . You can be talking about filler if your verse needs it but a verse where you have 9 main charcaters and a system user who would’ve been an mc in any other verse you literally have 10 anchors of story there should be no time for filler in a novel like this lol there are novels with one mc with over a thousand chapters and they don’t gotta give us irrelevant stuff for 100 chaps plus but a novel with 9 mcs can be excused? We have wayyyy too much content to be explored to the telling us the history of monkeys and snakes. Even if evey legion mc only had 150 chaps in total to themselves that’s at LEAST 1350 chaps if you add an extra 300-500 when they fuse if they do you already at 1850 if you add the truth about the void universes and the realm lord elf you can get up 2k chapters EASY with new content every paragraph ik filler can be used in some but for this particular it is totally unnecessary

Sparky357:any good story needs filler to set up a climax it's normal especially for long term consistency and quality of writing.As long as the book itself is not just 90 percent filler it's actually healthy for a book since most of the time we are not always in crisis mode.


Dune_Lone:No no no no don’t give me that look at infinite mana in the apocalypse it hype every chapter after another . You can be talking about filler if your verse needs it but a verse where you have 9 main charcaters and a system user who would’ve been an mc in any other verse you literally have 10 anchors of story there should be no time for filler in a novel like this lol there are novels with one mc with over a thousand chapters and they don’t gotta give us irrelevant stuff for 100 chaps plus but a novel with 9 mcs can be excused? We have wayyyy too much content to be explored to the telling us the history of monkeys and snakes. Even if evey legion mc only had 150 chaps in total to themselves that’s at LEAST 1350 chaps if you add an extra 300-500 when they fuse if they do you already at 1850 if you add the truth about the void universes and the realm lord elf you can get up 2k chapters EASY with new content every paragraph ik filler can be used in some but for this particular it is totally unnecessary

i don't get where you see filler,the is no filler.have you ever read revered insanity this equals and has more potential too.beacuse the plot.is.not reloving around the MC the would is moving with or without the MC.and I Don't see you problem with the legions, considering it all makes sense.

Dune_Lone:No no no no don’t give me that look at infinite mana in the apocalypse it hype every chapter after another . You can be talking about filler if your verse needs it but a verse where you have 9 main charcaters and a system user who would’ve been an mc in any other verse you literally have 10 anchors of story there should be no time for filler in a novel like this lol there are novels with one mc with over a thousand chapters and they don’t gotta give us irrelevant stuff for 100 chaps plus but a novel with 9 mcs can be excused? We have wayyyy too much content to be explored to the telling us the history of monkeys and snakes. Even if evey legion mc only had 150 chaps in total to themselves that’s at LEAST 1350 chaps if you add an extra 300-500 when they fuse if they do you already at 1850 if you add the truth about the void universes and the realm lord elf you can get up 2k chapters EASY with new content every paragraph ik filler can be used in some but for this particular it is totally unnecessary

Are you slow? I said the concept of legion is a very fantastic one HENCE why we should not be using up bare chapters on other nonensense you literally have 9 main charcaters lots of books have 1 and get thousands of chapters we have 9 here we don’t need to be knowing about the history of monkey where could be getting the story of the insane legion 7 we could be getting updates oh Helios who became a star background of the dragon the plans of the dive life essence tree who has an energy that no one has never had there is wayyyy to much content we could get out the actual 9 mcs for us to be focusing too much on the other stuff reverend insanity is reverend insanity greed is greed and we have 9 mcs in fact there should be no space for much else.

dylan_pyle:i don't get where you see filler,the is no filler.have you ever read revered insanity this equals and has more potential too.beacuse the plot.is.not reloving around the MC the would is moving with or without the MC.and I Don't see you problem with the legions, considering it all makes sense.

There's a big difference between fillers and content you consider boring. Fillers have no effect on the story development, which is entirely different from what happens here. Every character, no matter how miniscule has a role to play and I have learned to trust that the story will bring them up sooner or later again for some plottwist, to reasonably explain some development, or something else. That's the part that was so fantastic about Reverend Insanity. We learned about several different people, how they behave, and how they plot against each other. So we could look forward to who ultimately outsmarts who. The same is happening here. The groundwork has been layed for SO incredibly much twists and turnabouts that if done right, we got a Reverend Insanity 2.0 on our hands. One part where I have to aquiesce however is the pacing. In particular how quickly events are explained, not that they should be taken out entirely because we can't see their use right now. The author has said it himself, he tends to drift off. Being concise and quick about things are just not strengths of this author, so if too much information about the world bothers you, then so be it. But for me this is just a little downside and in no way enough to drop a novel that has more potential than anything I've seen in ages.

Dune_Lone:Are you slow? I said the concept of legion is a very fantastic one HENCE why we should not be using up bare chapters on other nonensense you literally have 9 main charcaters lots of books have 1 and get thousands of chapters we have 9 here we don’t need to be knowing about the history of monkey where could be getting the story of the insane legion 7 we could be getting updates oh Helios who became a star background of the dragon the plans of the dive life essence tree who has an energy that no one has never had there is wayyyy to much content we could get out the actual 9 mcs for us to be focusing too much on the other stuff reverend insanity is reverend insanity greed is greed and we have 9 mcs in fact there should be no space for much else.

More reasons why you shouldn’t have made it so long. It’s a really good novel but I had to skip most parts. And I hate skipping. It removes immersion from the novel

DMadLord:have you finished it or do you want me to tell you? the volume is titled schemes and Plots. That should give you an hint to what the volume is about. the competition is a facade.

you have already lost the argument when you start to call people out on their intelligence. he said he doesn't see filler and you call him slow. that doesn't track at all. everyone has different perspectives so you should be more open minded. your perspective is valid and so does his.

Dune_Lone:Are you slow? I said the concept of legion is a very fantastic one HENCE why we should not be using up bare chapters on other nonensense you literally have 9 main charcaters lots of books have 1 and get thousands of chapters we have 9 here we don’t need to be knowing about the history of monkey where could be getting the story of the insane legion 7 we could be getting updates oh Helios who became a star background of the dragon the plans of the dive life essence tree who has an energy that no one has never had there is wayyyy to much content we could get out the actual 9 mcs for us to be focusing too much on the other stuff reverend insanity is reverend insanity greed is greed and we have 9 mcs in fact there should be no space for much else.