
Review Detail of Daoist5gGP6t in The Makeup Queen

Detalhe da revisão


This is a completed comic so rest assured to start reading. I like the time travel plot and the sweet intersections between the ML and FL .

The Makeup Queen

Star Club

Curtido por 3 pessoas




thank you!!!!!!!!! finally praise the heavens. a lot of them you can find more chapters online but most times I still feel many are only part of the books. drives me insane. I've cried twice because of it, one rushed ending in a way that ruined and undid the entire story making it sad and pointless, the other left you at the biggest cliff hanger in history and I can't even find the book to see what happens (even tho there is one). never mind just ones that stopped out of no where. its's like, don't release until it's finished if you can't guarantee that u can afford to complete it. hmph! lol thanks again