
Review Detail of Retrozun in Island Ascension Online

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Alright, I think it is finally time for me to make a shameless review! Just a warning: This review will be rather long, If you don't care too much, you can always go read other reviews. Whatever the case, I do believe this novel is at least worth a try! Review: Writing Quality Depending on what you seek, the writing quality can be either a 4 or a 5. In terms of pure grammar and spelling, this novel has no problems; 1 mistake has been pointed out by a reader by chapter 30, and the writing is by no means monotone or repetitive. Only, my writing style is rather dramatic and info heavy. Those who despite novels such as RSSG due to the abundance of information would not like this novel exceptionally well, however it is definitely not as excessive as RSSG. Stability of Updates I'll go pat myself in the back and put a solid 5 for stability of updates. 2-4 chapters a day. And although I may slow down in the future, the rate of updates will at minimum be 1 chapter a day. Story Development From the perspective of the author - who understands how the story will turn out, and information that remains uncovered, the story development is definitely not bad. However, as stated previously, there is quite a lot to unload within the first 50 chapters, and an additional point that definitely cannot be understated is the amount of genres within this novel. As others have said, this novel's strong point is uniqueness and freshness; when reading, I can guarantee a sense of anticipation and curiosity. However, there is approximately 10+ entire genres which will be within this novel, which may understandably be too many for most people: Kingdombuilding Transmigration/Reincarnation Magic/Alternate Cultivation Master/Disciple Magic Realism Academy Apocalypse Action/Exploration Character Design Truth to be told, this is the weakest point of the novel by far. Even as the author, I do have to admit that the characters are not exceptionally done. Sure, everyone has personalities, peculiarities, deep backgrounds, and actions/dialogue that reflect their thoughts. Only, I don't pay attention to the other characters, so these peculiarities remain hidden within the first few chapters. Only as the story develops past several dozen chapters does one gain familiarity with more than 3 of the characters; MC is rather busy at the start off the story, after all. Not to mention, the perspective is MC's 99% of the time. World Background In this, just like with Character Design, it is not exceptionally exciting within the first few chapters. However, the mysteries within the worlds - both in the game, and in the real world - run deep. They are gradually revealed as time goes by, and I can confidently say that when they play out, it will not disappoint. Final thoughts/TLDR: This story is unique, fresh, lacks many loopholes, and incites one's curiosity. The writing quality, descriptions, and story are all well crafted. However, though it is good, it is by no means top tier; I would go as far as to say that I would definitely read this novel myself, despite being incredibly picky. However, it is definitely not at the "legend" tier yet - it is merely a good novel. At the same time, it also isn't for everyone; but it is worth a try. No harems, system is not overpowered, MC is smart. Also, please don't hesitate to give feedback/suggestions - even critique is appreciated. I am always working on improving my works!

Island Ascension Online


Curtido por 3 pessoas




I just started reading this book and I must say I really like it and I would like you to continue it I seen the last time you updated was 24 days ago if you could let me know you’re still riding I would really Appreciate it


This is an amazing and telling review, and i really admire you for genuinly telling your thoughts and not just saying something like, "shameless review; i like dis novel"


So no harem [great decision] but as most are gonna ask is there romance? Is it early or late type? Subplot or core?


I don't think that there will be romance, however it is very possible if the circumstances allow for it. I wouldn't get my hopes up though - I'd say there's roughly a 30% for there to be romance.

JACRAC1:So no harem [great decision] but as most are gonna ask is there romance? Is it early or late type? Subplot or core?

hello, concerned reader here~ i hope everything is okay? you had said that you'd like to stay at writing at least one chapter a day, and as it has been more than 10 months since we last heard of you i have been getting really worried😅 if you decided to drop this that would be too bad but its honestly fine at this point..i just hope nothing bad happened to you irl is all. ^-^"