
Review Detail of Ultravioletx in Battlepet Masters

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I'm the writer, and I'm biased. Sue Me. I ended up writing this for a Taming writing prompt .What you can expect from reading this is a weird mix between Pokemon and Xianxia, while having the focus on people living a western ethos, plus adding my own ideas into the mix The whole story starts when something hits the fictional planet. The occupants of this fictional planet had lifestyles similar to ours before it got hit. I'm focusing on the Taming aspect while throwing in aspects of the protags day to day life, slowly exploring the changes in the fictional world that the people have taken, and how it changes day to day life on a broader scale. In terms of plot, I will focus on the protags slowly getting stronger, earning recognition, along with action scenes and various conflicts. Just keep in mind, it will be slow, as I want it to make sense, and not just constant fights caused by a legion of spoilt children, and I will be trying to throw in the stuff I mentioned in the paragraph above, hopefully in a way that it adds to the story, rather then detracts from it. If that sounds like something you might be interested in, give it a try. I'm very interested in critical critiques you may have after reading, so feel free to point out any shortcomings find by posting a reply to this review or post a comment in the chapters. Have a great day everyone.

Battlepet Masters


Curtido por 2 pessoas





Ultravioletx:At this moment, I'll stick to a 5 chapter per week schedule.

nice .. waiting for the updt


At this moment, I'll stick to a 5 chapter per week schedule.

AsurA:nice .. waiting for the updt

I'm staying away from harem. There's no way I can add multiple girls, keep them relevant, and give them personalities while trying to balance everything else. It's beyond my capabilities. There will be a single love interest though.


Ultravioletx:I'm staying away from harem. There's no way I can add multiple girls, keep them relevant, and give them personalities while trying to balance everything else. It's beyond my capabilities. There will be a single love interest though.

Another thing I should mention. Most of the reoccurring characters will have their own development arcs. I will also be deliberately trying to toss the protagonist in different scenarios that get him to react differently. If that's not for you, oh well. Static characters are boring.