
Review Detail of asaade_ragnarokm in Pokemon: Master of Poison

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i only read the auxiliary chapter and i know this is not for me and the reason is the power level here is trash and doesnt make any sense, he made too much nonsense about pokemon power level and add a bunch of nonsense and whatnot for example that he gives a 5 star potential weedle can be defeated by a 2 star potential metapod that was on infant tier, apparently the potential is useless and that also include level,type, ev, iv,moveset and actually only the TIER matters

Pokemon: Master of Poison


Curtido por 3 pessoas




oohhh im surprised there's actually a busybody dog here

EAO17:Wow, this person is rude and the author is actually being nice here. The author was just explaining in here, and you actually have the guts to say 'trash' to something that has not damaged or injured you in any way. You have said 'trash' not once, but twice. You look like the people in the internet who has no time to do anything but to insult other people's work. Maybe you should find your manners first before giving the time to review a book you actually have not read. Another one, you actually look like a person who has full of negative energy in you system. It must be sad to live your life. Poor you. For the Author, don't think about this person. Don't waste your time in explaining anymore since he/she does not seem to understand anything you'll be saying to him/her. In short, he/she is 'trash'. He/She looks like a person who has no life, and just full of toxicity.

What? potential is for learning speed, and power level is for the overall strength of the pokemon. Also, the types will still matter, and I never said it won't. lol. I don't know who you are but this isn't a proper way to make a review. Anyway, it's your opinion and I won't remove this review. I just wanted to say have a nice day, and I wish you'll know what's the difference between potential and power level is. :)


lets give an example about your weedle vs metapod thing, pls tell me how can metapod defeat weedle? in all of the pokemon games with metapod it was one of the best pokemon to defeat so the pokemon can easily level up without going back and forth to pokecenter or using a potion, even a caterpie can defeat it what more of a weedle and potential in pokemon games translate to better stats even in low level, also you read too much xianxia/xuanhuan stuff that you try to incorporate it on pokemon and it doesn't work that way, potential pokemon - 1 star to 6 star xianxia - 1st realm to 9 realm tier pokemon - infant etc etc champion xianxia - qi gathering,golden core, nascent realm, god if we translate your pokemon version to xianxia your example of weedle vs metapod is really accurate since what can a qi gathering noobs can do on much higher tier unless he is the chosen one, but your version is really not pokemon

Remoon:What? potential is for learning speed, and power level is for the overall strength of the pokemon. Also, the types will still matter, and I never said it won't. lol. I don't know who you are but this isn't a proper way to make a review. Anyway, it's your opinion and I won't remove this review. I just wanted to say have a nice day, and I wish you'll know what's the difference between potential and power level is. :)

I don't know what to say. It's your opinion, and I respect that. We just have a different take on it. It's like in pokemon games, metapod here is at infant level (2nd tier) which is like at level 5 in pokemon games while Weedle is at like level 1. So, your saying that weedle will still win even with that disadvantages? As I've said potential is different with power level. Have a nice day. :)

asaade_ragnarokm:lets give an example about your weedle vs metapod thing, pls tell me how can metapod defeat weedle? in all of the pokemon games with metapod it was one of the best pokemon to defeat so the pokemon can easily level up without going back and forth to pokecenter or using a potion, even a caterpie can defeat it what more of a weedle and potential in pokemon games translate to better stats even in low level, also you read too much xianxia/xuanhuan stuff that you try to incorporate it on pokemon and it doesn't work that way, potential pokemon - 1 star to 6 star xianxia - 1st realm to 9 realm tier pokemon - infant etc etc champion xianxia - qi gathering,golden core, nascent realm, god if we translate your pokemon version to xianxia your example of weedle vs metapod is really accurate since what can a qi gathering noobs can do on much higher tier unless he is the chosen one, but your version is really not pokemon

yeah thats why i called your tier power up trash, because you also need to calculate the moveset, hp, of pokemon. most pokemon game aside from gold and silver he only has harden so how could he win? specially its not a game how could a cocoon move and tackle a weedle?

Remoon:I don't know what to say. It's your opinion, and I respect that. We just have a different take on it. It's like in pokemon games, metapod here is at infant level (2nd tier) which is like at level 5 in pokemon games while Weedle is at like level 1. So, your saying that weedle will still win even with that disadvantages? As I've said potential is different with power level. Have a nice day. :)

Umm.. metapod doesn't need to move to defeat a weedle. Metapod cam learn electroweb, and it can defeat Weedle without needing to move. :)

asaade_ragnarokm:yeah thats why i called your tier power up trash, because you also need to calculate the moveset, hp, of pokemon. most pokemon game aside from gold and silver he only has harden so how could he win? specially its not a game how could a cocoon move and tackle a weedle?

Wow, this person is rude and the author is actually being nice here. The author was just explaining in here, and you actually have the guts to say 'trash' to something that has not damaged or injured you in any way. You have said 'trash' not once, but twice. You look like the people in the internet who has no time to do anything but to insult other people's work. Maybe you should find your manners first before giving the time to review a book you actually have not read. Another one, you actually look like a person who has full of negative energy in you system. It must be sad to live your life. Poor you. For the Author, don't think about this person. Don't waste your time in explaining anymore since he/she does not seem to understand anything you'll be saying to him/her. In short, he/she is 'trash'. He/She looks like a person who has no life, and just full of toxicity.


with a measly 25 special attack how could it even kill a weedle, specially when a weedle can move and can used string shot and just tie the unmoving metapod or just tackle it to the ground and weedle can just beat it without a worry, weedle can also used electroweb

Remoon:Umm.. metapod doesn't need to move to defeat a weedle. Metapod cam learn electroweb, and it can defeat Weedle without needing to move. :)

So, a weedle that has 20 special attack, 20 special defense, and 40 HP that is at level one can defeat a Metapod that has 25 special attack, 25 special defense, and 50 HP that also has 4 levels higher than it? I'm tired to explain anymore. :)

asaade_ragnarokm:with a measly 25 special attack how could it even kill a weedle, specially when a weedle can move and can used string shot and just tie the unmoving metapod or just tackle it to the ground and weedle can just beat it without a worry, weedle can also used electroweb

heh you even forgot poison sting beside if you change a 5star tier1 lvl 1 weedle to a 5star tier1 lvl 1 charmander with air cutter or flare blitz do you think youre 2star tier2 lvl 5 metapod can win?

Remoon:So, a weedle that has 20 special attack, 20 special defense, and 40 HP that is at level one can defeat a Metapod that has 25 special attack, 25 special defense, and 50 HP that also has 4 levels higher than it? I'm tired to explain anymore. :)

But the example is between a weedle and metapod, and I've said that type advantages does matter. If a chamander is the opponent then metapod will definitely lose if we consider the type advantages. Also, even if weedle know poison sting it won't matter. Poison Sting is a physical move, and metapod has high defense stat, and knows harden and iron defense. Metapod can be poisoned but it has the ability shed skin which heals status problems.

asaade_ragnarokm:heh you even forgot poison sting beside if you change a 5star tier1 lvl 1 weedle to a 5star tier1 lvl 1 charmander with air cutter or flare blitz do you think youre 2star tier2 lvl 5 metapod can win?

you really didn't read your note though at the auxiliary chapter, power level is the dividing line how strong a pokemon is and having higher potential doesn't mean the pokemon is strong, just like what my review said it all comes down to tier and potential and everything doesn't matter. oh well doesn't matter i stopped reading your fic after auxiliary so amf

Remoon:But the example is between a weedle and metapod, and I've said that type advantages does matter. If a chamander is the opponent then metapod will definitely lose if we consider the type advantages. Also, even if weedle know poison sting it won't matter. Poison Sting is a physical move, and metapod has high defense stat, and knows harden and iron defense. Metapod can be poisoned but it has the ability shed skin which heals status problems.

It's okay to be a dog compared to a 'trash' like you. Dogs are more humane than you, and I guess I should thank you for the compliment, 'trash'. It seems like you're losing the argument, and you're changing the topic of weedle vs metapod. You want to change it into a charmander vs metapod which is already out of the argument. What would I expect from a 'trash'? I thought you'll get better than this but you are actually not only a 'trash', but also a loser. Also, in the previous replies of the author, he/she said that type advantages does matter but I think you're deliberately trying to change the topic to save your sorry butt, 'trash'. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

asaade_ragnarokm:oohhh im surprised there's actually a busybody dog here

sorry i dont understand dog language so I can't understand what you are saying

EAO17:It's okay to be a dog compared to a 'trash' like you. Dogs are more humane than you, and I guess I should thank you for the compliment, 'trash'. It seems like you're losing the argument, and you're changing the topic of weedle vs metapod. You want to change it into a charmander vs metapod which is already out of the argument. What would I expect from a 'trash'? I thought you'll get better than this but you are actually not only a 'trash', but also a loser. Also, in the previous replies of the author, he/she said that type advantages does matter but I think you're deliberately trying to change the topic to save your sorry butt, 'trash'. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Stop fighting guys but this actually made me laugh lol. Thanks for that. XD

asaade_ragnarokm:sorry i dont understand dog language so I can't understand what you are saying

You love Weedle so much that you have one of it's abilities which is Run Away. You run away when you know that you won't win the argument, 'trash'. You said that the author wrote that everything that matter is only the tier, and everything else doesn't matter. But the author didn't wrote that in the auxiliary chapter. The author didn't said that typing won't matter, if he/she wrote it in there then I would have believed your case. It looks like you just assumed that it was that way. I would have believed your side but the author clearly didn't wrote it, you just believed that tier is everything that matters. Well, what would I have to expect coming from a 'trash'? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

asaade_ragnarokm:you really didn't read your note though at the auxiliary chapter, power level is the dividing line how strong a pokemon is and having higher potential doesn't mean the pokemon is strong, just like what my review said it all comes down to tier and potential and everything doesn't matter. oh well doesn't matter i stopped reading your fic after auxiliary so amf

sorry doggy i really can't understand what you are saying

EAO17:You love Weedle so much that you have one of it's abilities which is Run Away. You run away when you know that you won't win the argument, 'trash'. You said that the author wrote that everything that matter is only the tier, and everything else doesn't matter. But the author didn't wrote that in the auxiliary chapter. The author didn't said that typing won't matter, if he/she wrote it in there then I would have believed your case. It looks like you just assumed that it was that way. I would have believed your side but the author clearly didn't wrote it, you just believed that tier is everything that matters. Well, what would I have to expect coming from a 'trash'? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Just here to say you are entirely right, and you have convinced me not to bother with this one. Thanks :)

asaade_ragnarokm:you really didn't read your note though at the auxiliary chapter, power level is the dividing line how strong a pokemon is and having higher potential doesn't mean the pokemon is strong, just like what my review said it all comes down to tier and potential and everything doesn't matter. oh well doesn't matter i stopped reading your fic after auxiliary so amf