
Review Detail of in An unknown world

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The Character Design and World Background is fine and Even Though I Only Read A Few Chapters, I Can Also Tell That The Story is Developing Well. But I Have A Few Comments Regarding Some Problems That I Noticed In The Earlier Chapters in the Novel. One, There's No Dialogue Whatsover. Lastly, The Author is giving way too many Details About What's Happening in the Novel All The Time. I Mean, This is The First Time Ever That I Have Seen A Novel With No Dialouge and Just Details and Narrating.

An unknown world


Curtido por 5 pessoas




I guess maybe you didn't know this...but that pen name is my third pen name. This is my own pen name that I use in Webnovel. And yes I am the author of this novel.

Tim_B_Suana_18:Hello there, thanks for giving your comments about the novel.😄 But can I ask you something (if you don't mind me asking)? Are you really sure you didn't see any conversation at all?😅

Which chapter do you mean there is no dialogue? The first chapter? Are you sure you didn't see the entirety of the first chapter? There are actually some conversation at the second half of the first chapter (and there is just a bit of conversation at the first half of the first chapter).


But if you are talking about the first 3 chapters of it combined then...I guess everyone could agree that there is not really that much interaction between the characters in the novel.


But I also don't agree with what you said about the novel not having any dialogue at all and it only has details and narrating only which is not true at all.


Hello there, thanks for giving your comments about the novel.😄 But can I ask you something (if you don't mind me asking)? Are you really sure you didn't see any conversation at all?😅