
Review Detail of AJ_ in Dimensional Descent

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world background and writing quality is already quite good the only problem maybe the author that want every thing of his novel to be original so he never use any concept of other novel while the intentions is good but it backfires because honestly unless you really like this novel it Will just confuse you trying to read and understand it. story and character. honestly the story itself based on my 800+ chapter read is just about MC character development and i can tell you it does not develop well. there is nothing about future story nor about what kind of world is this nor about what kind of story this novel gonna be. from all 800+ chapter it just about MC character development. but the author like to play God so instead of making MC grow up by itself, author make MC grow up each aspect of life by making arcs of arcs of arcs of arcs just him making stupid decision and suffer and suffer and repeat only to be saved by a plot armor. and after 800 chapter you may think MC should already grown up become better but no 1st chapter MC is narcisistic, self entitled and naive while 800+ chapter he become narcisistic, self entitled, prick who really does not care about anybody except himself and his feelings. and let's not talk about 800 chapters in and it already got so many repetitive plot. what my grind my gear the most is how this book fans always defending this self entitled MC and make his decision seems correct despite the idiotic choice

Dimensional Descent


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