
Review Detail of Miz1_BeMo in Get Him Off Me, Fate!

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BEWARE!! This book expects full payment in one lump sum when you reach the end of the free chapters!!! It's a good story but I'm not prepared to spend over 1200 coins at one time and not have any coins left for the other books I'm reading!! 😡 Why can't we continue to buy a chapter only?!!And of course it leaves you at a very crucial happening with a nerve-wracking cliffhanger!

Get Him Off Me, Fate!


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Hi dear, this must be from your setting (select batch unlock). From your profile, you're not a new reader, which means you have read countless books with locked chapters. Do note that this is a completed books from years ago, I have no control over it and final decision belongs to Webnovel. Take your complaint to webnovel services and don't badmouth a book several readers have read and are still reading. You might not know how hurtful your words or review is , but authors take their books as their babies . The books are created from our imaginations and is very personal to us. If the book doesn't have a compelling story line and cliff hanger, it wouldn't hold your attention. Authors write and Webovel lock chapters ,I hope you know that so you don't go hurt other authors with your words. I hope you have a pleasant day. Thanks for even reading in the first place.


Glimmy, please note I did not badmouth your book. I even said it was good. Also I never blamed you, the author, or even webnovel for the one lump sum. I am simply giving a heads up to other readers so they know to expect it because I've always appreciated other readers who forewarn me about things like this, or books that have stopped updating, or have rushed ends, etc. You're right that I'm a long term reader and figured the sudden lump sum was bc it's a book that has been finished for a while, but that doesn't negate being upset that I can't finish a book I liked because of this lump sum and I know avid readers like me appreciate knowing ahead of time when we're deciding what books we can give our time and are willing to spend our money on. There's nothing wrong with your book and I know authors don't set up the costs. I'm just helping other readers make an informed choice.

Glimmy:Hi dear, this must be from your setting (select batch unlock). From your profile, you're not a new reader, which means you have read countless books with locked chapters. Do note that this is a completed books from years ago, I have no control over it and final decision belongs to Webnovel. Take your complaint to webnovel services and don't badmouth a book several readers have read and are still reading. You might not know how hurtful your words or review is , but authors take their books as their babies . The books are created from our imaginations and is very personal to us. If the book doesn't have a compelling story line and cliff hanger, it wouldn't hold your attention. Authors write and Webovel lock chapters ,I hope you know that so you don't go hurt other authors with your words. I hope you have a pleasant day. Thanks for even reading in the first place.

Okay dear, no problem

Miz1_BeMo:Glimmy, please note I did not badmouth your book. I even said it was good. Also I never blamed you, the author, or even webnovel for the one lump sum. I am simply giving a heads up to other readers so they know to expect it because I've always appreciated other readers who forewarn me about things like this, or books that have stopped updating, or have rushed ends, etc. You're right that I'm a long term reader and figured the sudden lump sum was bc it's a book that has been finished for a while, but that doesn't negate being upset that I can't finish a book I liked because of this lump sum and I know avid readers like me appreciate knowing ahead of time when we're deciding what books we can give our time and are willing to spend our money on. There's nothing wrong with your book and I know authors don't set up the costs. I'm just helping other readers make an informed choice.