
Review Detail of Panett_6225 in Reincarnated as a High Ranking Nazi

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Hey! So I was browsing r/okbuddybaka yesterday when I found a post making fun of the title of this light novel. So I decided to investigate if it really exists, or it's just a meme, and... here I am. I don't write in English very well (I'm more used to just read stuff in English), so I'm doing my best to write this: Why did you stop writing this? I think it's really good despite of some characteristics of the storytelling, that are common in writers without much experience. Maybe the story moves too fast to show the development of the characters; and that prevents the reader from generating some kind of link with the MC, his parents or the two girls. So, considering that the last chapter was released a year ago. Why did you stop writing?

Reincarnated as a High Ranking Nazi


Curtido por 1 pessoas




Hi! Thank you so much for the kind review! It’s been quite some time since the last chapter, simply because I got busy with schooling and work, but, after seeing the reddit post and how many people took genuine interest in it, it inspired me! Happy to say that I will be releasing a new chapter soon :)


Fellow Baka. Based.


It's been another year... time flies fast. New chapter when?