
Review Detail of UndeadBeing in Ant King In MHA

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So by my memory, I already wrote a review but I looked yet can't find it, It might have been removed by the author but idk. I'm rewriting it simplified. It's all one star, Writing quality was a mess between tragedy and comedy, Stability I'm more mad about everything else so I'm gonna give this 1 star, Story development is about as dumb as possible, he comes out as a child beru and the caretakers try to murder him whenever they can, I'm pretty sure they gave him away to a rich person who just says "I need a few kids for reasons" Next he somehow get's recruited by AFO and get's given multiple quirks because he gives random people 50 quirks for an uspecified reason, after that he does the whole betrayal and joins the hero side because * Plot *, He get's protection in UA but he has to hide from the whole world, then he goes back to anti-hero helping out criminals doing robberies because he was tasked to do it by someone I don't remember. For character design I don't know how to put it, he's broken but is also sane, he's indifferent yet loves people and saves toga, he's an ant yet he wants to be a human after the years that he already got used to his body. He also ignored toga's feelings because a girl he barely knows and had a few drinks with was somehow better than toga who he lives with and basically saved her life, gave her refuge, knows she is interested in him, and is comfortable around her. But of course the person with him nearly all day is outshadowed by a girl who lives on her own, is nowhere near being compatable, and no reason why he'd want to be anywhere near her. So the character design is: Conflicting and stupid. World background isn't great, it basically uses mha and does nothing other than that. So this novel just isn't great, the mc is unlikable, the characters are contradicting and dumb, the development is confusing, character design is basically souless and only the ones close to him i.e toga actually have souls and feelings, world background hinges on the anime/manga and doesn't do anything original that makes it different. There's no clear direction and the characters decisions don't help. Looking back at it now, I have no idea how the author didn't have the doctor ,who assisted delivering him, try to end him as soon as he saw what he looks like, the mc did nothing other than living yet he has people constantly trying to kill him at 3 years old, he got thrown into the woods at some point, got kidnapped by AFO, got 50 quirks for reasons unknown, somehow had Nezu try and twist his story to make him be accepted into hero society, picked the wrong person to attempt a relationship with, goes to anti-hero to draw out lady nagant if I remember correctly, and then get's the ability to turn into a human which basically removed the ant king part of the title. I don't recommend reading this, I have no idea what the people who gave it 5 stars are thinking. If I don't stop here I'm gonna go off on how dumb this novel is but I'll stop here with this novel is just confusion and stupidity.

Ant King In MHA


Curtido por 19 pessoas




Please can you recommend any good mha novel been looking for days and I still can't find any

WeepingCarp:A lot of these “problems” could be solved if you paid a little more attention to details. Either way I do agree about the bigger problems you talked about.

There are plenty of things I could go into or mention. And plenty of things you skipped over might explain some of the problems you had with this story. I could go into them, but it would be a huge message to write out :(( Long story short, it ain't a perfect story, but it's far from as bad as you make it out to be. By the way, I don't delete reviews, Webnovel sometimes does stuff like that if even an iota of a bad word appears in said comment/review. I can't even see if you've tried to review this before honestly.


I'm gonna be honest here, I read way more qidian novels than english novels, It just means I'm more strict on reviewing, The story and plot was good but I didn't like how it ended up. I never said you deleted it, I just said it's disappeared so I wrote a different one; I probably cursed a little too much back then. Even if you had wrote a long reply, I'm mostly going off memory so I really only remember the bad stuff, I wouldn't be able to tell you any of his quirks, the people he interacted with, and the reasons he did things. I sheerly remember his birth, the orphanage, the forest, the adoption, the surprise fight with a random person who I can't remember but I swear there was a dinosaur involved, and the relationship between toga, and the bs girlfriend whom I can't remember if it was midnight or someone else. I also remember the organization thingy he worked with for a short period to draw someone out, I think it was lady nagant or was the a different novel, anyways I remember his fight with the heros and that about sums up what I assume to be a hundred or so chapters. Even if I make it out to be bad, I only remember the bad parts, as I've said previously, I have 0 idea about much of the story, I didn't even save it in my novel review backup discord server. So all in all I have no idea of anything besides the parts in the review, I don't even which chapter I stopped on, There's probably reasons I have no idea about but the stuff I pointed out are pretty bad that even reasons for him to date whoever it was, aren't even considered proof.

VeganMaster:There are plenty of things I could go into or mention. And plenty of things you skipped over might explain some of the problems you had with this story. I could go into them, but it would be a huge message to write out :(( Long story short, it ain't a perfect story, but it's far from as bad as you make it out to be. By the way, I don't delete reviews, Webnovel sometimes does stuff like that if even an iota of a bad word appears in said comment/review. I can't even see if you've tried to review this before honestly.

I mean, you had mentioned that I might have removed it, so I just kinda wanted to make that clear. The fact that authors can just remove reviews is a bit weird, just as weird as the fact that ppl can just spam reviews on this site. Anyway, I can appreciate an honest review, it's probably been a while since you read this anyway I can somewhat get not remembering the details about stuff :))

UndeadBeing:I'm gonna be honest here, I read way more qidian novels than english novels, It just means I'm more strict on reviewing, The story and plot was good but I didn't like how it ended up. I never said you deleted it, I just said it's disappeared so I wrote a different one; I probably cursed a little too much back then. Even if you had wrote a long reply, I'm mostly going off memory so I really only remember the bad stuff, I wouldn't be able to tell you any of his quirks, the people he interacted with, and the reasons he did things. I sheerly remember his birth, the orphanage, the forest, the adoption, the surprise fight with a random person who I can't remember but I swear there was a dinosaur involved, and the relationship between toga, and the bs girlfriend whom I can't remember if it was midnight or someone else. I also remember the organization thingy he worked with for a short period to draw someone out, I think it was lady nagant or was the a different novel, anyways I remember his fight with the heros and that about sums up what I assume to be a hundred or so chapters. Even if I make it out to be bad, I only remember the bad parts, as I've said previously, I have 0 idea about much of the story, I didn't even save it in my novel review backup discord server. So all in all I have no idea of anything besides the parts in the review, I don't even which chapter I stopped on, There's probably reasons I have no idea about but the stuff I pointed out are pretty bad that even reasons for him to date whoever it was, aren't even considered proof.

A lot of these “problems” could be solved if you paid a little more attention to details. Either way I do agree about the bigger problems you talked about.


MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) - it has a rough start and MC god complex, but overall its the best MHA fanfic I seen.

kingsleyanosike054:Please can you recommend any good mha novel been looking for days and I still can't find any