
Review Detail of mooncake_o07 in Bane Child

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Hi, I think you're an excellent writer given your outstanding writer skill, I would like to invite you to our platform.[img=recommend] I'm Ms. Jornaliza, an editor at Goodnovel, a writing platform that helps authors get a reliable and long-term income through their books. I would like for you to sign your works with us. If you are interested in joining us, please make sure to attach the link to your profile or the link to your book and send the mail to msjornaliza.goodnovel@gmail.com

Bane Child


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You're welcome! Once you contact me, I will send you the details about our platform. We have an exciting monthly update bonus, If you are interested in joining us feel free to email me at msjornaliza.goodnovel@gmail.com

Yu_Starrunner:Woah thanks! I will have to get back to you but i will look into it. By the way, thanks for being my first review :)

Woah thanks! I will have to get back to you but i will look into it. By the way, thanks for being my first review :)


I looked a bit but i haVe a small question. what exactly is the contract like? I saw no examples so i do not know what kind of rights i would be giving if i were to sign said contract. i hope you can give me a detailed Explanation. You know how it is, i have never been paid to write b4 so i really need to be cautious about this kind of stuff. Thanks for the offer🙏