
Review Detail of EkoSun in The Villainess and I, her Zombie

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So i don‘t really write rewiews But i need to say this, how Comes that every single review on this novel is good? The Mc is literaly a slave to a girl that abuses Him since the very second, and what does he do? Nothing, he accepts the abuse he accepst that he Is literaly a slave to that girl didn‘t think twice about it, and what I don‘t Understand even more is, why does he call her „Master“?!? She can‘t understand his Words (Nobody can he just groans and we see what he says) and Eventhought that he is calling her „Master“ every single time, doesn‘t matter if she is next to him or if ge is alone, he just goes like „Oh her skill calls me Eternal Servant? Guess I‘m her slave than. What she abuses me and literaly Cut my arm of my body, throwes it away and continue abusing me because I can‘t find it alone? Guess that seems pretty normal I‘m her slave after all“ Ok after that rant, can‘t say much more about it I read the first 6 chapters and skimed throught a couple more just to see if something Changes (Spoiler warning No nothing changes) So maybe some like a slave Mc that gets abused every second of the novel, I don‘t so 1/5 stars Character design, the rest 3/5 Star, can’t say much more about it, because like I said I just Did read 6 chapters and skimed throught a couple more. Is more a warning for the ones that don‘t want to read about a abused slave Mc, that didn‘t have any hope of escape because of the skill From the Female Lead

The Villainess and I, her Zombie


Curtido por 93 pessoas




same, I was thinking of reading this cuz the dude said it like his her slave and stuff like that, so it sounded, *click* Noice, but sadly according to others it gets wholesome and they stop doing this where MC gets treated like the slave he is to the shottie is a melody sexy demoness, unlucky

BroBrigade:this story is good, I was triggered by the first few chapters but hey I wouldn't mind being slave to a hot villianess(even if she bullies me...I don't feel pain...zombie)

oh... The 6th chapter really is a breaking point... What can I say to that? I don't want to spoil the entire plot or anything, so I'll just write this: Things get better. This is not a story about an evil B abusing a pitiful MC. Their relationship develops, it takes time - sadly a bit more chapters than the first six - but you'll be able to see the change... ...as long as you will brave through the notorious chapter 6... Even though the story didn't seem to pull you in, you still took the time to write the review - thank you! ...I still kind of hope that you will give it another chance someday...


yh I don't really get how that's meant to pull ppl in


will this be a harem? or will our mc have more than 1 wife?

Sound_Hammer:oh... The 6th chapter really is a breaking point... What can I say to that? I don't want to spoil the entire plot or anything, so I'll just write this: Things get better. This is not a story about an evil B abusing a pitiful MC. Their relationship develops, it takes time - sadly a bit more chapters than the first six - but you'll be able to see the change... ...as long as you will brave through the notorious chapter 6... Even though the story didn't seem to pull you in, you still took the time to write the review - thank you! ...I still kind of hope that you will give it another chance someday...

I'm actually still unsure about that. If it will make sense for the flow of the story, then why not?

Meds:will this be a harem? or will our mc have more than 1 wife?

hmmm, I don't know how it will fit into that at my current chapter (volume 3), personally I think its not fine to have more than one, but this is your story anw. so hoping that you won't be pressured to have one or dont have one, just for views goodluck tho. I'll wait for the end for now.

Sound_Hammer:I'm actually still unsure about that. If it will make sense for the flow of the story, then why not?

if you still haven't decided yet then dont have multiple Cranberry only

Sound_Hammer:I'm actually still unsure about that. If it will make sense for the flow of the story, then why not?

Naw we have some character development. I get you tho i felt the same way before


Please dont.

Sound_Hammer:I'm actually still unsure about that. If it will make sense for the flow of the story, then why not?

thanks man


i mean he already died twice so maybe he wanted to survive for his third life. Considering he has a master who could chop his hand off so easily i wouldn't be surprised if he consider himself a slave. But like you said you only read 6 chaps, beyond that their relationship was actually quite wholesome.


this story is good, I was triggered by the first few chapters but hey I wouldn't mind being slave to a hot villianess(even if she bullies me...I don't feel pain...zombie)


read the chapter in the epilogue. it explains how he acts. also it takes time but she treats him better.


So she kills him and he gets brought back to follow her around as a simp minion? Even if she treats him nicer, he is still no different than a slave or pet who does whatever she wants. I don’t understand the appeal of such weak and/or spineless (i.e. she wants to kill me? Eh its fine. No reason to get upset with her about it.) type of MC’s. So seeing a story where the author literally makes the MC into a zombie who simps for his murderer and not even the desire to get revenge on her, but instead the only time he shows any emotion is when his “master” is in danger? I mean, c’mon it doesn’t get much more simpy and pathetic does it? Oh well, if other people like it that’s fine. I guess it’s just not for me. Good luck with the story.


There's something new! Make sure to check the auxiliary chalter from volume 0 - it clears out a lot of things! It should be read between chapter 2 and 3 - and should have been there from the start, it makes a difference!


...like for example - checking out the auxiliary chapter from volume 0 - it clears out a lot actually!

Sound_Hammer:oh... The 6th chapter really is a breaking point... What can I say to that? I don't want to spoil the entire plot or anything, so I'll just write this: Things get better. This is not a story about an evil B abusing a pitiful MC. Their relationship develops, it takes time - sadly a bit more chapters than the first six - but you'll be able to see the change... ...as long as you will brave through the notorious chapter 6... Even though the story didn't seem to pull you in, you still took the time to write the review - thank you! ...I still kind of hope that you will give it another chance someday...

I used to think just like you when I started reading, I actually considered dropping it. Might just be me, but I took a snack break, came back and decided to give it another chance. I'm on chapter 63 now, and it's so much better. For me, at least. No spoilers, but there are some moments where I came this close to having a heart attack. So far, it's the best story I've read on Webnovel.


the introduction for season 2 is kind of spoilery, we are still at the season 1 for non privileged readers author. POTENTIAL SPOILER and please don't make a volume for just a side character for season 2, I hope we can get to know what happened during that time (before two mc reappearance, it felt lacking), not just some backstory, after time skips thats the only thing I dont like, keep up the good work tho and please dont change it into a harem.

Sound_Hammer:...like for example - checking out the auxiliary chapter from volume 0 - it clears out a lot actually!

It takes more then a few chapters to get into but trust me it gets good

BurntPotatoes:yh I don't really get how that's meant to pull ppl in

heck bro are you m

BroBrigade:this story is good, I was triggered by the first few chapters but hey I wouldn't mind being slave to a hot villianess(even if she bullies me...I don't feel pain...zombie)